Monday, February 17, 2014

Clay in the Hands of God

Text: Jeremiah 18: 1-6

God uses many images to describe His relationship to His people.  He speaks of the shepherd/sheep relationship; husband/wife relationship; Father/children relationship and so on.  All of these are wonderful and teach us many valuable lessons on life, ourselves, and our God.  We, like sheep, are protected and provided for by the shepherd.  As a wife, we are loved without condition by the husband.  As His children, we’re constantly under the watchful eye of the loving Father.  There’s another aspect of our lives that must be factored into the equation. The parable of the Potter and the clay.

A parable is a simple story of every day life that reveals Kingdom truth about God to those whose hearts are prepared to hear.  But to those whose heart is unprepared, the truth is concealed.  This parable is one of the greatest portraits of God and His people to be found in the scriptures.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Powerful Praise Births Victory!

Text:  2 Chronicles 20:1-4, 13-17

Have you heard the saying that there are two times to praise the Lord - When you feel like it and when you don’t?  Any other time you don’t have to praise Him.  David said in Psalm 34,  "I will bless the Lord at ALL times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth".  "Continual" means repeated without pause; uninterrupted.  Praise is to be an everyday part of life no matter what’s happening.  Whether I’m having a high moment or low moment, my focus should stay on God basically because of who He is.  He is Alpha and Omega; the beginning and the end; King of Kings; Lord of Lords; Creator; The Great I Am; He’s Jirah, Our Provider; Great Physician.  He is worthy of our praise all day and everyday no matter what kind of day it may be.