Text: Daniel 6:1-6
Chapter One – Daniel refused to eat the king’s rich food and went on what’s called a “Daniel diet”.
Chapter Two – King Nebuchadnezzar saw a vision of a multi-metallic statue representing Gentile kingdoms.
Chapter Five – Closes with the Babylonian Empire falling to the armies of Cyrus, King of Persia, and Cyrus gave control of the Babylonian Kingdom to Darius the Mede (holder of the scepter).
Now it was up to Darius to formulate a new government. He divided the Kingdom into 120 provinces and appointed a prince to rule over each province. He also chose Daniel and two other administrators to rule over the princes and watch out for the king’s interest. Daniel soon proved he was more capable than all the other administrators and princes. Because of his great ability, the King made plans to place him over the entire empire.
Has anybody ever been hassled at work by others because of a promotion? Daniel was! Has anybody ever been hassled by co-workers about being a Christian? Daniel gives us a great example of how we ought to live and behave and turn chaos into character. Daniel’s character caught the attention of the King!