Monday, March 3, 2014

God's Benefit Package

Prophetic Scripture: Psalms 103:1-3
"Bless the LORD, O my soul:  and all that is within me, bless his holy name
Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits:
Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases".

A lot of people work a job only because they need the benefits.  There are also a lot of people who are retiring from their normal jobs only to discover that they have to go back to work just to afford or to qualify for healthcare insurance.  You don’t realize how much that benefit is worth until you don’t have it anymore or you are forced to pay for the full amount without the company kicking in a percentage.  Public jobs have decent benefits most of the time.  But people of God, I come to tell you today about a job that has the absolute greatest benefits of all time.  That’s working for THE LORD.  Working for the Kingdom carries benefits no company can measure.

Those benefits God has to offer to those who work for Him are the greatest benefits one can have.  As a born-again Christian, as a Son-Of-God, you are a citizen of a new Kingdom.  Just like in the natural Kingdom,  there are benefits provided in God’s Kingdom for its citizens.  The thing about this benefit package is that it will never fail you.  This package won’t limit an employee’s options for health care.  This package won’t require you to use certain doctors or medical facilities.  This package cannot deny coverage based on age or physical condition.  This package will not disable you to insure your spouse or children.  Whereas with the employer, employees sometimes have little control over the terms of medical benefits.

With God’s package, you are sons according to Galatians 3; then an heir of God through Christ. And as Isaac was, “we are the sons of promise.”  So we have the keys and are in control of our own benefits.

David realized the value of God’s benefit package too.  Even though David was the King of Israel and had all wealth and power that man could ask for, he still knew that God’s benefits were far greater than anything man could offer.
Psalms 103:1:  "Bless the LORD O my soul, and all that is within me……" said David.

When David said “soul”, he was speaking both conscious and subconscious.  Consciousness is that which man has apprehended (being able to perceive or grasp with the mind) or develop out of Spirit. Subconscious draws its life from both the earthly side of existence and spiritual; it answers to both good and evil, light and darkness.  But when we feed our soul the “True Soul Food,” which is “The Word of God,” then the Word of God when properly appropriated makes the soul immortal.  When man puts out of consciousness all limitations and realizes the perfection of Spirit, his body will be made perfect.  You see, that was the point where David was.  Oh, if we could just learn to Bless the Lord like David did!!!!!  God would create within us a clean heart and renew within us a right spirit.  Also the words of our mouth and the meditations of our heart would be acceptable in His sight. HALLLELUJAH!!!!

You see David KNEW how to sing, to praise, to clap his hands, to worship and to dance before the LORD, and he wasn’t ashamed or afraid of what others might say or think.  He worshipped God because he never forgot the benefits of God’s Kingdom.  Benefits are anything which is for the good of a person or thing.  It’s an advantage, treatment, (i.e. an act of good implied by service or requital/payment).  Meaning it’s a reward, pay given or deserved; “FAVORS.”

Psalms 68:19:  "Blessed be the LORD, who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation".
Psalms 116:12:  "What shall I render unto the LORD for all his benefits towards me"?
1st Timothy 6:2:  "And they that have believing masters, let them not despise them,  because they are brethren; but rather do them service, because they are faithful and beloved, partakers of the benefit".

Now……The Testator has died leaving a valid will or testament in force.  The testator who hath full power to dispose of whatsoever he possesseth, or hath a right unto and according to his sole will and pleasure, bequeaths (give or leave by means of a will) unto others. (John 1:12, 14:27, 17:2). And because The Testator who finally, to complete, perfect, and confirm his last will, doth sign and seal it Himself by blood and confirm the covenant. (Hebrews 9:16-17; 1st Corinthians 11:25).

The Testator has died and risen.  Now God has so freely given to us His benefit package. Included in the package is:

The Benefit of Love (John 15:13)
"Greater Love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends".  There isn’t any greater benefit we can have than to know that Jesus loves us.  It was because of His Love that drove Him to the cross to die for our sins.  He loved us and "while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us". (Romans 5:8)
No matter who you are or what you’re done, Christ still Loves You!!!  Look at the weathervane: It’s changeable right?  Whichever way the wind blows, the weathervane points in that direction.  Sometimes we’re like that weather vane, blown to and fro, but regardless of which way the wind blows, GOD IS LOVE!!!!  The greatest Benefit God has is LOVE.

The Benefit of Grace (Ephesians 2:8)
"For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: It is the gift of God".  The benefit of God’s Grace is worth coming to work for Him!  When seeking employment, we are often asked for resumes to show our qualifications, (meat cutter, management, insurance agency, even Pastoral duties).  God says there’s no resumes needed.  Just come as you are!!! The thief on the cross didn’t have time to give an extensive review as to why Christ should save him.  Because of God’s Love, the thief was hired.  Listen, the job is ours if we will just seek it. Thank God for the Benefit of Grace.  It is because of God’s Grace that He is willing to hire us! Save Us!  There's nothing we can do; it's just simply His Grace.  When we seek jobs, often we must have something to offer them.  But God says there is no experience necessary to come and work for the Kingdom.

The Benefit of Mercy (Titus 3:5)
"Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost"!!!  Look people of God!!!! There’s nothing that we have done or could do to be righteous enough to be employed by God. But it’s through his MERCY that we are saved!!!  Remember Zacheus?  He was a tax collector, and they were often known for cheating the people.  Tax collectors were often mentioned in the same breath as sinners.  Zacheus was the chief collector so he was probably hated even more.  Yet Christ still saved him.  Not because of who or what he was to Christ but because of God’s Mercy!!!  Thank God for His Mercy!  Justice demanded that man must die, but Mercy cried ……oh no no no….I’ve already paid the price.  It was Grace and Mercy that brought us through……..Whew!!!.....what a benefit!!!

The Benefit of Forgiveness (1st John 1:9)
"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness".  It’s great to know that God will forgive us of our sins, not like man.  If we fail on our jobs, often we are replaced, but God knows we may fail at times.  That’s why there is grace.  Even with our best intent to walk righteously, we may sometimes stumble.  But when we do, we are to confess our sins and ask for forgiveness.  So admit it then - He would forgive us.  “If we confess our sins…He is faithful and just to forgive us.”  Just get up and press on.  Thank God for His Benefit of Fogiveness!

The Benefit of Healing (Isaiah 53:4-5)
"But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities:  the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed".  God has always had a healing provision for His people.  When Israel was delivered from Egypt, God promised them that if they served Him, He would be their Healer. (Exodus 15:26)  "Heal" means to make hale (Webster - strong, vigorous, well, healthy), sound or whole (to bring forth the perfect Christ man that exists within each of us).

So He said He would be our Healer.  A healer is the one who heals; the one who restores man to his original, sinless state; the focal center of faith; and through Him (Healer), faith reaches the patient, directly or by means of someone very much interested in the patient. 

So now we have that benefit of the healing name - which is Jesus The Christ - to use which will contact the spiritual ethers where the Christ I AM lives and will open the mind and body to the inflow of the spiritual power which is the healing virtue or the restoring power being (God, life, love, Wisdom, etc.); the same virtue Luke 6:19 speaks of “For there went virtue out of him, and healed them all".  The benefit of the healing word is that which goes forth and establishes that which is, meaning it performs, stands, remains, succeeds, and accomplishes where unto I send it. When the healing word is in its office, it is only to behold “The perfection of Being which is Health.”  So when we get a hold of the healing word in office, we are in total Health.  In Health the healing word does not heal anything because in its perfection (health), there is NOTHING to heal!!!!  HALLELUJAH!!!!


That you may be in a state of being sound or whole in the mind and body.  You may be in oneness with the Christ Mind that assures perfect Health.  Health is the condition of true to the Truth of His Being.  That which seems to be sickness does not exist in Truth.  People of God, permanent healing is never gained through medication or drug curing.  It is spiritual healing that restores perpetual Health (perpetual - lasts forever, eternal).

It’s hard for the intellect to realize the spiritual I AM THAT I AM(Exodus 3:14).  The intellect argues back and forth.  The I AM says, I AM the indwelling Christ.  I AM the eternal.  I AM the “true” spiritual man whom God made in His image and likeness.  The intellect will wrestle with that, but you've got to tell that intellect, "I know who “I AM” and I AM in a condition of “TRUTH.”
Then you will be able to walk in John 8:32…..And ye shall know ‘THE TRUTH” and “THE TRUTH” shall make you free".  It is the TRUTH that’s going to cause us to walk in HEALTH.
Healing is for the whole person:  spirit, soul, and body.  In order for you to get emotional and physical healing, you start with the spiritual healing.  Remember permanent healing is not gained through medication or drugs.  Spiritual Healing restores HEALTH and it’s through THE TRUTH of GOD’S WORD.

~ Evangelist Jackie Burton

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