In the 3rd
week of February, we had a fast and furious snow storm to hit the Triangle. It came in so fast that people could not get
to their destinations before the roads became crowded and slick. This was the storm that left thousands
stranded on the highways with some people abandoning their cars. For others it took 4+ hours to make a 30
minute drive home.
The triangle
area was covered in several inches of beautiful white snow. I had decided to spend the night at work in
case I could be of help in the residential buildings if staff could not make it
in to work. By that evening, the ground
and every building/ structure and vehicle was covered. As I looked outside, all I could see was
white and ice that sparkled as the light from the street lights shone down.
What a
beautiful sight that was!! And the next
day, the scene was still beautiful even though workers had begun the task of
cleaning sidewalks so that staff could move easily from 1 building to another. By afternoon, the snow again came fast and
furious but with larger white flakes. It
only lasted a couple of hours, and then the storm had finally passed.
I love watching
the snow when it is coming down and seeing how it changes the landscape from
green and brown grass to white. From
trees with no leaves to trees with snow covered limbs. From vehicles of varying colors to all white. From bushes with varying-shaped leaves and
colors to all white. As the snow begins
to accumulate, even the shapes begin to look a little different. The railing on our front porch is flat on
top, but with a couple of inches of snow on it, it becomes rounded on top.
I also love
that time after dark when no one is on the roads, and all is hushed and quiet like we have never heard
before - no children playing outside, no vehicles on the roads, no wildlife
making sounds in the woods. As I looked
at the snow the 2nd evening I was there, I heard God say to me "the robe
of righteousness, clean and white". "The robe of righteousness, clean and
white". Just like the snow had covered
the earth, God was telling me that I am covered in the robe of righteousness,
clean and white.
This "robe
of righteousness" is not something that I have studied or know much about;
obviously God thought it was time for me to know. So He led me to this scripture in Isaiah:
Isaiah 61:10:
"For he hath clothed me with
the garments of salvation, he hath covered me with the robe of righteousness",
as a bridegroom decketh himself with ornaments, and as a bride adorneth herself
with her jewels".
hath clothed me with the garments of salvation" :
(Heb - labash; lawbash')= to wrap
around, to put on a garment; arm, come upon, put on or upon
= clothing; apparel, raiment, robe
- yesha; yeh shah') = deliverance
from all that separates us from God; prosperity; safety
By clothing us with the "garments of salvation", God has wrapped us up, armed us, come
upon us, and put upon us his deliverance from sin and death. He has put us into prosperity and safety in
hath covered me with the robe of righteousness" :
"cover" = to guard from attack; to lie over or envelope; to
afford protection or security; to make provision for by means of a reserve or
deposit". Didn't God provide for us
by sending His Son Jesus to make that deposit for us?
"robe" = mantle, cloak, coat; it's something we put on to cover
"righteousness" = rightness, objectiveness, morality/virtue;
justice; to cleanse, clear self of spot or blemish
The word "hath" is the present singular form of the word
"have" which indicates present tense.
This means that God has already covered us with the robe of righteousness. He's not waiting for some other time. He has provided the deposit through Jesus and
covered us with Jesus's blood. He has
cleansed us and made us whole.
"as a
bridegroom decketh himself with ornaments, and as a bride adorneth herself with
her jewels"
In those days of scripture, the
bridegroom and bride really dressed up.
When I was growing up, we would say that our friends were "decked
out" if they were really dressed up.
They would embellish their appearance with ornaments and jewelry, and if
their family did not have any of these items, they would borrow from their
neighbors or other family members. It
was important to them to give a good showing or appearance. But basically, the bridegroom and bride were
covering themselves.
God has covered us with His righteousness,
and He's saying,
"I've Got You Covered!"
After studying this, all I could think
about was how the snow covered everything that I could see that night -
buildings, vehicles, ground, tree limbs, etc.
In the same way, God covers us, and He covers us like no one else can,
like no earthly object can.
In our daily routine, we cover ourselves
by wearing various types of "covers" - clothes, coats, hats,
sunglasses (cover our eyes), shoes, comforters on our beds to keep us
warm. These "covers" protect
us from varying temperatures and elements of the weather, the bright rays of
the sun, and from injury. They also keep
us warm while in bed or on the couch.
But what God covers us with is
different from what we cover ourselves with.
It is the fine linen, clean and white.
Rev. 19:8: "for the
marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready. And to
her was granted that she should be arrayed in the fine linen, clean and
white: for the fine linen is the
righteousness of saints".
"the marriage of the Lamb is come" - the marriage has already taken place so we don't have to die and
go up yonder in the blue to be with Jesus and put on our long white robe; our marriage with God was completed
when we accepted Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour and received the Holy
Spirit; this is the union, the marriage that we have with Him; we have already come
into union with Him and don't have to wait for anything or anyone. By this marriage, God has already planted the
seed in us, which is Himself, which is the Word.
"his wife hath made herself ready"
"wife" = the true woman - the
church; those who have come into the full knowledge of the revelation of who
God is
"made herself ready" = to prepare,
provide; to construct, create, build, make, ordain
How does the
church do this? Our Pastor has taught us
that we make ourselves ready by:
1. studying the
Word, the seed that is already planted in us
2. worshipping
God in spirit and in truth3. putting on the mind of Christ and letting this mind be in us
4. girding of the loins of our minds
5. walking in the light
We must make ourselves ready by taking action and believing
"And to her was granted that she should be
arrayed in the fine linen, clean and white:"
"granted" (Gr - didomi; did o mee)= bestow, give, bring forth, offer, have power;
Webster defines granted as "to consent to carry out for a person; allow
fulfillment of; to permit as a right or privilege; implies giving to a
petitioner something that could be withheld". But it was not withheld because the wife, the
church, made herself ready
"arrayed" = clothe; put on; adorn;
to set or place in order
"fine" - free from impurity, pure, keen, superior
in quality, conception or appearance
"clean" (Gr - katharos;
kath ar os')= pure; free from dirt or pollution/disease/moral corruption/offensive
treatment; thorough, complete
"white" (Gr - leukos; lyoo kos') = free from spot or
blemish; bright; luminous (illuminate which means furnish knowledge)
The woman
(the church) has been given a gift, a right, a privilege of the fine
linen. She did not earn it herself by
just doing "good works", but it was given to her because she was
ready! She had prepared herself.
And because of this preparation, He gives us the most beautiful gift of
all - His righteousness.
2 Corinthians 5:21: "For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might
be made the righteousness of God in him".
We are adorned, set in order with a
cover or robe of superior quality which is pure, free from disease/moral
corruption/offensive treatment; free from spot or blemish. God has put on us the fine linen, clean and
white, which is that robe of righteousness.
But why linen?
Linen is a fabric woven from
yarn made of the fine fibers of the stalk of the flax plant and noted for its
strength, coolness, and luster. In
ancient times, the flax stalk grew
quite tall and was cut or pulled out by the roots near full growth, dried for a
time in the sun, then pounded vigorously to separate the fine fibers, washed
and bleached, and then it was ready for the weaver.
This flax plant had to go
through a process before it's fibers could be used by the weaver to produce a
finished fabric called linen. But not
until it went through the preparation stages of being dried, pounded, washed,
and bleached was it ready to be used to make the linen.
Doesn't that sound like the
preparation process that God uses with us
1. to be cut or pulled out by
the roots from the religious system
2. dried for a time in the sun to drain the
untrue teachings of the religious system out of us so that the living waters can be poured in
3. pounded to remove everything that is not like God and
4. washed & bleached in the blood of Jesus.
This preparation is needed
before we can be fully ready for God to produce the woven tapestry
of our lives. To weave means to unite in a
coherent whole; to make by intertwining;
contrive = to form or create. Just as Pastor Hansley told us a few weeks ago how God is a potter,
God is also a weaver who forms and creates us to be just like Him.
The term “fine linen” in the Bible refers to a sheer, almost
translucent material of the expensive finely woven linen worn by royal and
wealthy people or the priests of the Temple.
"Fine" means superior in quality or appearance; excellent;
distinct; keen; pure (spotless, stainless)
The Lord speaks of
His blessings to Israel in terms of beautiful cloth and clothing. Ezekiel 16:10-13: “I clothed you
also with embroidered cloth and shod you with leather, I swathed you in fine
linen and covered you with silk....Thus you were decked with gold and silver;
and your raiment was of fine linen, and silk, and embroidered cloth”.
David wore
garments made of this fine linen when the Ark was removed.
1 Chronicles 15:27: “David was clothed with a robe of fine linen, as also were all the
Levites who were carrying the ark”.
Royalty and priests were covered in
this expensive and delicate fabric. Aren't
we a "royal priesthood" as described in 1 Peter 2:9?
ye are a chosen
generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye
should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into
his marvellous light".
As our
Pastor has taught us, we have to become dressed in the light of God; in the
beginning when He said "Let there be
light", he was saying "let there be knowledge", and
knowledge is power. He has called us out
of darkness and into his light with the revelation knowledge.
Nothing can cover us like God can with His fine linen, clean and white. He gives us the best of everything!
Don't forget - God says "I've got
you covered!"
In the beginning, Adam and Eve sinned
and hid themselves from God because they knew their eyes had been opened, and
they knew they were naked. In Genesis
3:21, God made "coats of skin and
clothed them". He covered them
then because of their sin. And he
continues to cover us now! Same God
then; same God now!
We can cover our bodies, but we alone
cannot cover ourselves. We alone cannot
fight the effects of this world. Think
again of the snow covered landscape that I saw.
What happens
to the snow over the next few days? The
snowplows come out in full force. The
leaf blowers are blowing snow off of the sidewalks. The shovels are scraping against the
sidewalks and parking lots. And the
previous appearance begins to change from the beautiful white snow-covered
landscape to piles of plowed up snow at the edge of the parking lot or on the
sides of the sidewalks and the roads.
The exhaust
of vehicles will dirty the snow that is piled in the parking lots. The dead grass will cling to the clumps of
snow on the sides of the road. The tire
tracks of vehicles will leave dirt where it once was white. What was once a beautiful white covering of
snow has become dirty and dingy with the effects of this world.
But God says to us, "I've got you
covered"! He has clothed us in the
robe of righteousness as we begin the journey of living into His image -
becoming like Him, taking on His mind, and living into the purpose He has for
our lives through eternal life.
As life
happens, we face the dirt and hurt of this world and realize how easily it can
become attached to us and try to ruin our fine, white linen covering. We go through tribulation; we go through
trials; we go through the pains of this world.
7:13-14: "And one of the elders answered, saying unto
me, What are these which are arrayed in white robes? and whence came they? And I said unto him, Sir, thou knowest. And he said to me, These are they which came
out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in
the blood of the Lamb".
"These are they which came out of great tribulation". We are not strangers to tribulation. It can take on different forms - dirt gets
thrown into our faces; dirty and dingy grass stains are seen on our white
robes; the peace we once had is interrupted by the sounds of gossip,
complaints, or jealousy; the scraping sounds like the shoveling of the snow make
us think that the white layers of our righteousness are being scraped off of
us, and we begin to wonder if we can hold onto the threads of our white linen
robe and what Jesus did for us.
But that's
why God has given us His armor to fight off the evils and hurts of this
world. Because greater is He who is in
us than He who is in the world.
"have washed their robes, and made them white
in the blood of the Lamb"
Have you ever had a spot of blood on
your clothes? It's so much easier to get
the blood out if you can rinse it under cold water right away. If not, it takes some work to remove it and
sometimes it will not come out. But that is how man washes blood and other stains out
of our clothes.
God did just the opposite. He used the blood - Jesus's blood - to wash
our sins away and make our robes white. How
does that work?
We .know that the blood is critical to
our life because there is life in the blood; but does our blood have redemptive
powers? Think about it: it is not the blood of man but the blood of
the Lamb that can wash away sin and make the soul clean and white in the sight
of God.
preaches that we are going up yonder in the blue to put on the robe of
righteousness, but we already have it! We
have it because it is this righteousness of God that He gives to us when we
accept Him and manifest Him within us.
Just as the butterfly emerges from the cocoon as a new creature with
beautifully colored, exquisite wings, we are transformed within and become a
new creature with the robe of righteousness covering and enveloping us.
I think I am safe in saying that we won't have any more
snow storms until possibly later in the year.
The next time you witness a snow storm, I pray you will remember this
message. But regardless of the weather
outside, regardless of whether you are feeling the effects of this world,
always remember: "God says: I've Got You Covered!"
Deaconess Rachel West
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