St. John 6: 1-9
Here we have
a familiar story of the Bible taking place at the height of Jesus’s earthly
ministry. This is the only miracle story other than the resurrection found in
all four gospels. The fact that it has
been repeated 4 times draws attention to its great importance.
- Matt 14: 13-21 gives it to us in a factual kind of way
- Mark 6: 30-44 talks to us in a little more detail and gets more into conversations that took place
- St. John 6: 1-14 brings us to a more emotional or human side as he gets more into why some things took place.
- Luke version embraces a little style of all the other writers and brings us to a place in which only Luke (the Physician) can. He’s detailed yet human. He’s factual yet still emotional.
All 4
accounts agree that Jesus fed 5,000 men with 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread. The Bible doesn’t include the women and
children. If 5,000 men all had wives, that equals another 5,000, and if they
all had at least 2 children, that equals another 10,000. So, it could have possibly been 20,000 people!
Jesus had to
do a miracle on this day for more than one reason. First, there was the need; the people were
hungry. They were in a desolate area
which made the space, storage, distribution, and manpower needed to bring in
food for 5,000 people unimaginable. Surely, this was a miracle setting.
We see a
great multitude following Jesus because they witnessed the miracles he
performed on those who were diseased. Even
though he tried to slip away, they followed him as soon as they found out where
he was. Yet, he never turned them away. He ministered to their need. This miracle was not done for the crowd alone
but a teaching for his disciples. For
Jesus already knew what he was going to do to feed the crowd. He had already ordered the mother of a young
lad exactly what to pack in his lunch box that day. He wanted to prove to Phillip.
It was a testing of his faith, and he
will prove to you and me in the same way.
don’t just happen by accident or by chance but each arranged by the hand of
God. He already knows what you’re going
to do when a situation occurs. He wants
you to know just how little faith you really have. So, he uses a young lad to teach his
disciples a severe lesson in faith.
When he
asked Phillip, “Where shall we buy bread that these may eat?”, Phillip did a
quick assessment of what he could see with the natural eyes (the crowd, the
amount of money on hand, which wasn’t enough)! Looking at what the eyes see are
barriers to block faith. Doubt and
unbelief followed what Phillip saw even though the GREAT I AM was standing there
in his midst. Phillip calculated the
crisis without Christ. We must not make
the same mistake. Christ must always be
counted in our crisis.
God had
given them power and authority to heal the sick a few chapters back, and they
had been everywhere preaching the gospel and healing the sick. Now, they’re standing in the midst of Christ
and a crisis and act as if they never knew him or have not experienced his
power. Remember, in Christ is the unlimited
power and authority to do exceedingly and abundantly above all that we ask or
think according to the power that worketh in us! Do not allow the lack of resources to blind
you to God’s unlimited power. He is the GREAT I AM, EL Shaddai,
The Almighty God, the power with all power and not a God in recession or
When Jesus
said on the cross, "It is finished", that’s exactly what he
meant! He finished what the Father had
sent him to do, and now he has deposited himself on the inside of us (the
church) to continue his work in the earth!
What we must know and understand is that we (the church) have been
equipped, called and authorized by God to feed the multitude. Why? Because
we are now HIM in the earth; because
he lives on the inside of us!
examine Jesus’ method of feeding the five thousand:
1. He had the crowd to sit: God is
a God of order, and it’s a test of obedience. Christ had commanded and that was enough! He commands and you obey without hesitation,
reasoning, or arguing. Mark 6:39 states
they sat down in green grass. Green
symbolizes life and knowledge. We must
rest in the green pastures of God’s Word if our souls are to be fed! Mark 6:40 states they sat down in ranks of
hundreds and fifties. In Luke 9:14 they
sat in ranks of fifties. When you take
one hundred and divide it by two, it equals Fifty (“5”0). Fifty,
scripturally, is Pentecost, and this is the time the Holy Ghost was given as a
universal gift. It doesn’t matter how
you look at it, they sat down in the power of the Holy Ghost, the anointing of
This is what the lad was carrying
in his lunch box. He was carrying the ministry of God, the menu of God, five loaves of bread and two small fish,
which represent the five fold
ministry. Five is ministry, and
it’s the number of grace. It was the
dominant number in the tabernacle where God manifested his grace in the midst
of Israel. The five loaves are the apostle,
prophet, evangelist, pastor and teacher, and the two fish are the Jew and
Gentile. This is the ministry set in the
church by God to perfect the saints,
work the ministry, and edify the body of Christ! (Ephesians 4:11-12).
Mathematically speaking, three equals the Father,
the Son, and the Holy Ghost plus two, Jew and Gentile, or you and me, which
totals five. Understand the lad
represents us in an immature state carrying the ministry or carrying God’s
menu. Meaning, you may be a lad (not
grown yet) coming into the kingdom
of God, but the ministry is on the inside of you. But when you begin to eat from God’s menu
which is the Bread (Christ’s body), the hidden manna, it will get into your
spirit and distribute the proper nourishment to every area of your life: heart, soul, mind and body! Manna in Hebrew means, "WHAT IS IT?". "IT" is the message of the kingdom in you and you
in the Kingdom!! St. John 6:53 states, “Except you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, you
have no life in you”! This is the
menu that will raise you from a state of immaturity to maturity and from a lad
to a Son of God!!
Looked to Heaven: This was a
form of worship. Jesus is showing
himself totally dependent upon his Father.
It’s recognizing that God is Jehovah Jireh, our supplier of all things! Philippians 4:19: “But my God shall
supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus”! For
it is in him we live move and have our being!
(Acts 17:28)
Blessed The Five Loaves and Two Fish: It is only as the loaves and fish are
placed in the hands of Christ that they are made efficient and sufficient! You have brought God’s goodness and favor
upon it!! When you bless something, you
cause it to operate exceedingly in its purpose, even if it’s spoken by mistake. (Genesis 49:1-28) Once something is blessed, you can’t take it
back. That’s why the food multiplied and
fed so many people and had twelve baskets left over!
Broke The Bread: Bread given in
large portions will cause one to choke.
When given in small pieces, it makes chewing and swallowing easier. Showing us that before Jesus gives us out, he breaks us! Brokenness
causes us to respond to the Holy Spirit in repentance! Brokenness comes as a result of man doing
things his own way. It’s an
acknowledgement of sin. But "if we confess our sins, he is faithful and
just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness"!
(1 John 1:9)
he Gave it: After the worship,
the blessing, and the breaking of the bread, it was given! That’s
the nature of God in all that he does!
He gives! He gave his Son! His Son
gave his life, and that’s the
greatest love! This shows us that after
he has processed us, he gives us himself with all his
power, authority, right to use his name, appoints us, anoints us, ordains us, and gives us the MULTITUDE TO FEED!! St. John 14:12: “He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and
greater works than these shall he do”!
Remember: If you find yourself standing in the midst of
a crisis, don't calculate it without Christ.
In Christ is the unlimited power and
authority to do exceedingly and abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the power
that worketh in us! Do not allow the lack of resources to blind
you to God’s unlimited power. He has equipped us. He is the GREAT I AM, EL Shaddai, The Almighty God, the power with all power and not a God in recession or depression. HALLELUIA!!
~ Evangelist Brenda Hansley
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