Monday, April 29, 2013

Are You Disappointed or Are You Excited about Worship?

Recently my sister-in-law Laura shared the following story on her Facebook page, and I felt compelled by God to share this with our blog followers because it is such a sad story:

A friend of mine ( in another state) called me just a bit ago to tell me she had finally gone to church. I have stayed on her for many years that she needed to be in church.  She told me that she went but was disappointed.  I asked her why.  Her answer shocked me.  She said “I got there; they handed me a piece of paper with a schedule on it; I went in; there were seats, so I sat down.  When the service started, we sang a bit; then a lady sang a special; then the preacher spoke, and we went home within an hour, and they told us they would "see us next week.”
I said "ok so what was the problem???"  She said, “As much as you have bragged about God and his mighty power and the joy of serving Him, I was expecting so much more.  I thought we would feel His presence, see miracles and just have a life changing experience.  But I left thinking 'that was it and we do it again next week'???" 

Laura's Comments:
I sure hope that churches across America have not put Jesus in a box.  We should have an exciting time and not know from week to week what He is going to do.  He is a God of miracles.  Church should not just be something on our "to do" list that we go for an hour, and then mark it off.
Every time the people met with Jesus in the Bible, a different thing took place.  One day devils were cast out; another day 5,000 were fed with just the lunch of a little boy who came that day; one day Jesus walked in and began to wash their feet. The list goes on and on.  One thing for certain, it wasn’t the same thing meeting after meeting after meeting.  We have got to be free to let Jesus move in the direction He wants because truth be known, He is the only one there who truly knows what’s going on in each and every person’s life there. I agree we need order but not to the point we order Him out.

How sad that Laura's friend finally went in search of an exciting God, full of power and joy, and all she left with was emptiness!  Are members of your congregation experiencing the power of God through praise and worship?  Does God show up at your worship service?  Is there room for God at your worship service?  Is the congregation coming to worship in order to be entertained by the preacher and the choir OR are they coming with expectation of a word from God through the interactive praise and worship?

Scriptures tells us that God dwells within us:

John 14:16-17: "And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another comforter, that he may abide with you forever; even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you."

1 John 4:15: "Whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God, God dwelleth in him, and he in God."

1 John 4:4:  "Greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world".

1 Corinthians 6:19-20: "Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost, which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?  For ye are bought with a price:  therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's."

How awesome that God dwells in us once we accept Him as our Lord and Saviour.  Then he is everywhere we are, even in the church building!  We can have worship anywhere and anytime because He is always with us!  It is obvious that Laura's friend did not experience the awesome power and might of the Holy Spirit which Laura had told her about; she did not experience God moving among His people giving prophecy to the Sons of God; she did not experience miracles.  What a shame!  No wonder she said: " I thought we would feel His presence, see miracles and just have a life changing experience.  But I left thinking "that was it and we do it again next week"??? "

My husband and I have shared this woman's experience, and God pulled us out of it and directed us to another ministry which is located 45 minutes from our home.  People have expressed their amazement that we would drive that far to attend church and Bible study.  But when God directs you, you obey!  And when God directs you, you will reap His blessings!

If you are filled with the Holy Spirit and are attending a spirit-filled church, then you know how exciting the worship will be.  You come knowing that God is there because He is in you; you come expecting to hear a word from our God through His spirit in us as we sing praises to Him and listen to the teaching of His Holy Word.

Laura's friend knew what to expect, but she was disappointed.  If you are not experiencing worship in this way, are you disappointed?  Did you realize that there is so much more to experiencing God through worship than following a program?

 Ask God to lead you where He wants you to study, learn, and worship, and then listen.  In His time, He will guide you where He wants you to be so that you can glorify Him and go deeper in your relationship with Him and in the truth of the scriptures.

~ Rachel West

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