TEXT: Ezekiel 37:1-3
Israel had become a divided nation - the Northern Kingdom (Israel)
and the Southern Kingdom (Judah). The
Northern Kingdom quickly left behind their devotion for God, and He sent the
Assyrians to defeat and discipline them.
The Southern Kingdom (Judah) maintained relationship with God a bit
longer, but eventually they became as wicked and idolatrous as the Northern
Kingdom. Because of their wickedness,
God sent the Babylonians to defeat and take them captive.
Ezekiel was among the large group taken captive. He was from a priestly family and in training
for service in the temple when taken captive by the Babylonians. The city of Jerusalem was destroyed. The
Temple was burnt down, and all of it’s implements and articles of worship were
taken to Babylon and many more people taken into captivity.
This was a discouraging and disappointing time for Judah,
and Jerusalem was no more. Everything
the people had put their hope in had been destroyed. They were dead as a nation, and dead as a
people. It seemed like everything was
going wrong in their life. I’m sure many
of them wondered where the promises of God’s blessings fit into all of
this. But our God is a deliverer and a
promise-keeping God. In Ezekiel 37:14,
He promised better days were coming, and they would return to their own land.
God needed a voice and had already called Ezekiel as Prophet
to Israel while in exile. His name means “strengthens” and “God is strong”. His task was to rebuke Israel for their
idolatrous nature and disobedience to God.
His task was not easy nor was it pleasant, but it was necessary.
Our text reveals that God’s hand came upon Ezekiel, meaning
His anointing, His Power manifested as a vision showing him a picture of
Israel. It caused him to have Prophetic
sight (seeing other than by natural sight), and it brought him out in the
spirit. He found himself surrounded by
bones of the dead. Everywhere he looked, he saw dead people. Have you ever looked at the world around you? People around you may be living their lives,
working their jobs, enjoying their hobbies, and raising their families, and they
may seem charming, intellectual, reasonable, and apparently fit. However if they do not know Jesus the Christ,
they are spiritually dead.
Paul said in Ephesians 2:1 "While ye were dead (it was not until the Holy Spirit quickened, or made
alive) in your trespasses and sins".
It doesn’t matter who they are - be it
husband, wife, parents, children, friends, neighbor, co-worker, doctor, lawyer,
or Indian chief. They’re spiritually dead.
Note: After setting
him in the midst of dead bones, God caused him to walk back and forth among
these bones. He made Ezekiel take a long,
hard look at the situation. God wanted
him to verify there was no life in them. Ezekiel could see they were very dry,
dehydrated from sun/wind. He could see
they were scattered; no longer connected; thrown about. God wanted him to see just how bad things
were. Ezekiel realized Israel needed a divine intervention for a desperate
situation. A superficial answer was not
good enough.
God asked a question in Ezekiel 37:3: "Son
of Man, Can these bones live?" To the natural eye and eye of reason, it
appeared impossible. He saw nothing in the
bones, nothing in himself, nothing in the whole creation that could produce this
change. Therefore, he answered, "O Lord God, thou knowest".
How many know that only God could produce this change. Medicine was not the answer. First aid was no good. Electric shock, I think not. Ezekiel understood that he had to totally rely
on God. So God instructed him to
Prophesy, meaning to predict the future. Prophesy is a verb; action word; a doing word;
it’s a state of being; to exist; to appear.
Can you see that we have to speak to our situations no
matter how dead they look? We must
activate Roman 4:17: "Call those things that be not as though they
were". Ezekiel had to activate
some faith. Not dead faith (all talk and no action), not demonic faith (form of
God but the heart is far from it), but dynamic faith (cause things to happen;
action). He had to speak the Word over
those dead bones. Hebrews 4:12 tells us that the word of God is living, effective
and can penetrate any dead situation.
Secondly, God instructed him to prophesy to the Wind. The wind is one of the most powerful forces on
the face of the earth. It’s invisible,
mysterious, and one can feel it’s effects, but you can’t control it. It’s a transforming force. When it blows, it can stir up things and bring
about a change. Constant blowing on
landscape will pick up debris, rocks, dirt, and sand, and over a time, it will
transform the very appearance of that land (wind erosion). It’s a penetrating/destructive force. The force winds of tornadoes and hurricanes
will move things that seem impossible. They
can uproot the biggest, strongest trees and dismantle iron bridges completely.
What about the Wind, the Spirit, the Breath of God? Scripturally the wind is the symbol for Holy
Spirit. Throughout the Bible, in both the Old and New Testament, these terms
are linked with the work of the Holy Spirit. In the New Testament, the Greek word is pneuma, and in the Old Testament, the Hebrew
word is Ruach. Both terms carry the same meaning - current of
air, breeze, create. Just like the
natural wind, it’s invisible; mysterious; a powerful force. Unlike the natural wind, it’s force is not
destructive; it’s force is life-giving. This
wind is God Himself blowing his life force, His
energy, His intentions, His Mind into Mankind. He sends His influences when and where, on
whom and in what measures and degree He pleases. The causes are hidden, but the
effects are plain.
In God, Ruach (create) is creative activity. Genesis 1:2: "The
earth was without form and void and darkness was on the face of the deep and
the Spirit (Ruach/creative activity) of
God was hovering over the face of the water". In mankind, it’s the life force that possesses
the reason, will, and conscience. Even Job was moved to confess, “the Spirit of God hath made me and the
breath of the Almighty hath given me life”(Job 33:4).
Never has there been a time/moment when the Spirit of God
has not been actively at work. You can’t
have life without the wind. It was the wind that opened and closed the Red Sea (Exodus
14:21; 15:10). It was the wind that
dried the flood waters from the earth after it rained 40 days and 40 nights (Genesis
8:1). It was the wind that brought the
plague of locust upon the Egyptians, and it was the wind that took them away
(Exodus 10:13; 19). It was the wind that brought the quails to
complaining Israelites (Numbers 11:31). It was the wind that brought rain that ended the
three and one-half year drought in Israel (1 Kings 18:45).
Someone needs a change in their life. Can’t see it or touch it, but it’s changing. Don’t know how and don’t know when, but it’s
changing. Because if we don’t experience
a change in our lives, we will not fully develop to the flavor God wants for
I tell you this is our season! Our birthing season. It wasn’t fire in the valley of dry bones. It wasn’t oil nor water in the valley. It wasn’t the dove that brought restoration/resurrection
in the valley of dry bones. It was the WIND, the BREATH, the POWER of
God. There are times we need the fire,
need the oil, need the water, need the dove.
But when you need a change; when you need resurrection (standing
up again), you need the power of God to come into your life and quicken you and
raise up something in your life that has dried up or is drying up! You need the wind - the blowing wind
of God; the same wind, same anointing that blew through that valley of
dry of bones. It is blowing in this
house right now. Our God is immutable
(unchanging). Same God then, same God now. Lift your hands right now. Tell God, "Let the wind blow!"
When Elijah was hiding out in a cave, fearful that Jezebel
would take his life (1 Kings 19:11), the Lord passed by his cave. When he did, there was a wind, earthquake, and
fire. The Lord caused it. It wasn’t a gentle wind of a warm summer
night. This wind ripped the mountain
apart, broke boulders in pieces. After
this wind passed, the mountain was gone, pulverized, demolished. God knows we’re thankful for the soft gentle
breezes of His love. But I’m in a time
of my life, I need more than that. I
need a mountain-moving, rock smashing wind to blow right now.
Some of us have some mountain-sized problems that look
impossible and immovable. Some of us are
facing mountains in our finances. Others
of you are up against the mountain of health issues that refuse to change. Many are dealing with mountains of rebellious
children/grandchildren. Someone else is
facing a mountain of drug/alcohol addiction. There are all kinds of mountains. Yours may be different from mine. One thing we have in common - they look
impossible and refuse to move, and circumstances refuse to change.
But I dare you to call forth the wind of God. I declare and decree that when it blows there won’t be any dust left. I declare there won’t be any evidence that a
mountain ever existed. The Bible says
that the wind that blew by Elijah was a great and a strong wind. I prophesy that a great and strong wind blow
through your life and blow in your favor and change things. I don’t care how big, how ugly, how long that
mountain has been standing in your way, stealing your health, your money, your
peace, your joy. Let the wind blow, and when it blows, it’s going to move that
I’m talking about a force that can’t be seen, can’t be
touched, can’t be controlled. Don’t know
from whence it came, nor direction it’s going. Don’t know how hard or how long it’s going to
blow. But you can testify that you can
feel it’s affect, and you will see the results.
You must get to the place you can cooperate with the wind. You must learn to position yourself so when
it’s blowing, it benefits you.
You have to be
flexible. You've got to know when the
wind changes direction so you can change with the wind. When it changes direction, you have to shift. You must not miss the shift. How can you miss the shift? By fighting the wind; fighting change; not
walking in what God ordained for you to be; refusing to accept change the wind
brought; refusing to shift when the wind changed. Make up your mind you’re not going to miss it!
God’s wind will blow healing,
deliverance, mercy and grace, forgiveness, restoration, miracles. It blows to undo all the works of the devil!
Without the wind, you’re powerless; dead in the water; an empty
shell. You may look good, have a lot of
activity, and make a lot of noise, but you’re dead. You already know what the wind did for
Elijah’s mountain. You know what it did
for Ezekiel in that valley of dry bones. The Word of God went forth and caused flesh to
come on the bones. They were covered
with skin, and they connected with each other. They began to rattle and make
noise. They came alive, but they were
not LIVING. WHY? They did not have the Wind; the Spirit; the
Breath of God; the anointing; the RUACH/creative activity to blow in them to
RENT (Hebrew word - carunch) meaning
to break off; tear into pieces the mountain of dry bones.
How many need a "carunching" anointing right now? That "carunching" anointing blew my
court case out the court house last Thursday. Judge ruled case dismissed. I didn’t have to defend myself. The Wind of God ripped that mountain into
pieces. That battle was not mine. It was God’s.
I believe God is in a
"carunching" mood today. Any
mountain that gets in His way of fulfilling His plan for your life is going to
get "carunched", crunched, demolished, and pulverized. All that presented itself in that valley of
bones in Ezekiel 37: 1- 2 was brokenness; hopelessness; despair. That’s how the devil tries to destroy humanity
- broken marriages, dreams, poor health (sickness, diseases of every kind: high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, asthma,
kidney, liver, heart problems, fear, depression, anxiety, worry, stress). It’s all in that valley, and it was very dry.
The mountain of joy or the essence of life was gone. The scene was filled with darkness and
hopelessness. When God asked His mighty
prophet, "Can these bones live again?", he couldn’t find enough faith
to say, "Yes". Only the Lord
God thou knoweth. This didn’t show great
faith on Ezekiel’s part, but he demonstrated great obedience. It’s not great perfected mountains of faith
that God needs from you. If you have faith
as a mustard seed (Matthew 17:20), it’s just enough faith to obey Him.
You might be looking at your valley of dry bones, and it may
seem an impossibility. "Weeping may endure for a night, but joy
cometh in the morning" (Psalm 30:5). In Ezekiel 37:10, "breath came into them and they lived and stood on their feet an
exceedingly great army". There was no evidence left of what existed in
verses 1 and 2. There was not one single
dry bone left in that valley. Every bone
had found it’s place, and every bone was restored to it’s strength and power.
I prophesy that you are going from verses 1 and 2 to verse
10 in one jump. It doesn’t take God all
day for a turnaround. Just lift your
hands and praise God! As you praise Him,
activate the wind of God; activate the anointing; activate His power. Ask Him to send that mountain crushing, devil
blasting, dead raising wind of His Spirit. The wind that will destroy all of the work of
the devil. I declare there will be no
evidence that the devil ever touched your life.
There is no power from hell that can stand against the wind of God. Hallelujah!
~ Evangelist Brenda Hansley
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