This message is presented in 3 parts. Part 3 will be available on Dec. 9, 2013
Part 2
Part 2
Our beginning Scripture stated, “The Life of the flesh is in the “blood”. So, what is this “life” that is in the “blood”?
LIFE is the
Hebrew word nephesh, which is a
breathing creature, such as an animal; man; it is vitality; bodily or mentally,
it is soul, life, person, mind, heart, body, himself, yourselves. It comes from another root word naphash’, which means to breathe; to be
breathed upon, in relation to being refreshed (as if by a current of air).
REFRESH (synonym)
means invigorate; recuperate; restore; ventilate; recreate; strengthen;
stimulate; enliven; renew, revive!
These definitions are in reference to the very essence of
life; the act of breathing; taking breaths!
"And the LORD God
formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed
into his nostrils the breath of
life; and man became a living soul" (Genesis 2:7).
Actually, what the LORD God was breathing into “man” (male
& female) was the very “blood”
of God Himself, which contained all that “man” needed as pertaining to LIFE, or
shall I say ETERNAL LIFE! It was the
eternal life of the BLOOD that was
breathed into them.
Isn’t it amazing how the LORD God breathed into the man’s nostrils and not into his mouth? During CPR, our breath isn’t blown into the
nostrils but into the mouth. The word NOSTRILS comes from the Hebrew word “aph” meaning face or countenance. This
is the area through which “air” passes in and out of the body.
The respiratory system is divided into the conducting zone and the respiratory zone. The “conducting zone” includes all of the
cavities and structures that transport gases to the “respiratory zone”. The “respiratory zone”, including the
respiratory bronchioles and alveoli, is the region in which gas exchange with
the “blood” occurs. (1 John 5:8) There are three that bear witness
in earth, the Spirit, and the water, and the blood:
and these three agree in one". This exchange takes place in “man” (the
earth) when he yields to the Spirit (Father)
and agrees (yields; consents; harmonizes; conforms) to the water (or the Word),
then he (male & female) can be cleansed from all sin by the Holy Ghost (blood washing)!
The “nose” has a vestibule (passageway) which is the
anterior expanded portion of the nasal fossa.
Each nasal fossa opens anteriorly through the nostrils or anterior nares
and communicates posteriorly with
the nasopharynx through the choa’nae or posterior nares. The pharynx
connects the nasal and oral cavities
to the larynx (voice box) at the base of the skull. The pharynx
is divided on the basis of location and function into three regions: nasal,
oral, and laryngeal. It also provides a resonating chamber
for certain speech sounds. To resonate means to resound or to echo
back. When the Lord God breathed
into the “man” (male & female) the breath (wind; air) of life, he became a living soul with the same abilities and
capabilities the Lord God had. He (male
& female) then discovered,
discerned, envisioned a new world.
The nasal cavity is concerned with the sense of smell! A person can discern a lot of things with
their nose that they may not see
with their eyes or hear with their ears.
That’s why the Lord God breathed into his “nostrils” - because it readily gave
him (male & female) the ability to become God in the earth. They knew who God was and who they were in
God! They had taken in a breath of fresh air, if I might
say! They actually received the very
mind of God through that “blood” transfer! Remember “man” (adam) means to show blood in the face! They had the wisdom, knowledge,
understanding, and power to speak with the voice of the living God! Do you see the resonating (resounding; echoing back) affect of being able to say
and do as God says and does?
Hallelujah! The blood talks! "And
to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh
better things than that of Abel" (Hebrews 12:24 ).
Psalm 103:1: "Bless
the Lord, O my soul: and all that is
within me, bless his holy name"!
What is that which is
within a person? The very wind, the
breath, the “blood” of the Almighty God!! We also bless Him with our gifts; the
manifestation of His fruit that’s in us.
The function of the BLOOD,
which is the fluid connective tissue in the natural, circulates through the
cardiovascular system to transport substances throughout the body that are
essential for life. It maintains
internal body homeostasis.
Blood is a vascular connective tissue. All the other tissues, bone, muscle, nerves,
fat, and skin are distinctly set or fixed in their several places. Isn’t it amazing how they do not circulate
throughout the body? But the “blood” travels or circulates to all the
tissues of the body to keep it alive. There
are other fluids in the body, such as saliva, tears, gastric juices, lymph, and
bile, but these are not tissues. They
are secretions. The “blood” unites, joins, or connects all
the members with the head, "And he
is the head of the body, the church" (Colossians 1:18 ), and the individual members as well, "For we are members one of another" (Ephesians
4:25 ).
There are three formed elements found within the blood:
1. Erythrocyes
– red blood cells which transport respiratory gases and nutrients to all
cells of the body. They also pick up the
waste of the cells called “carbon
and discharge it through the kidneys, skin, bowels, and lungs. Then it
with new oxygen again and continues the process! AWESOME!!
2. Leukocytes
–white blood cells which defend the body against invasions by
3. Thrombocytes – the
platelets, whose role is blood clotting.
* There are “Antibodies" and also "Antitoxins”
that help prevent infections from getting a foot-hold or taking root in our
bodies. We couldn’t survive without
them! The antibodies are produced in response to infections. Though they are absent in the blood, they come in large numbers after
a person has had certain diseases to prevent infections from returning again. The body builds up immunity to keep the disease from attacking again! This immunity is in the blood!
Blood is a “fluid”,
and it is the “river of life” - or
the 5 quart circulatory system - that flows throughout the entirety of the
physical body, giving life to all the other systems in the body! I’m reminded of the “river” that went out of Eden
to water the garden in Genesis 2:10: and
the “river of water of life”
proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb (Revelation 22:1).
Our blood is
essential for life, so then what
about the “blood of Jesus”? It is necessary (compulsory; essential;
required; urgent) that we receive it!
When we receive His Spirit, we receive His blood.
"For there are
three that bear record in heaven [elevated place], the Father, the Word, and the Holy
Ghost: and these three are one" (1
John 5:7).
"And there are
three that bear witness in earth [your body], the Spirit, and the water, and the
blood: and these three agree in one"
(1 John 5:8).
Look at how it works together: the Father (the Spirit); the
Word (the water); the Holy Ghost
(the blood)! They are all one in us!
"But we have this
treasure in EARTHEN vessels, that
the excellency of the POWER may be of God, and not of us" (2
Corinthians 4:7).
"For as the body is one, and hath many members, and
all the members of that one body, being
many, are one body: so also is Christ" (1 Corinthians 12:12).
"For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones" (Ephesians 5:30 ).
"And he is the
head of the body, the Church" (Colossians
1:18 ).
"And hath made of
one blood all nations of men for to
dwell on all the face of the earth" (Acts 17:26 ).
~ Apostle Gracie Perry
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