Ecclesiastes 1:9 (KJV)
“The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: And there is no new thing under the sun (sheh’-mesh) [implication of the East; the brilliance of God’s glory; the dawning of a new day].”
When you read The Bible it’s not just history or a story book
people of God. Genesis 1:1 says, “In the
beginning (ray-sheeth’) [meaning
first in place, time, order or rank] GOD (Elohim-el-o-heem’- The
Creator) created.
John 1:1 says, “In (en)
[a primary preposition denoting (fixed) position (in place, time or state];
(another root word) (into) [indicating the point reached or entered] the
beginning (order of time) was The Word (log’-os) and The
Word (log’-os) was with GOD (theh’-os) and The Word was
Then Revelation 1:8 says, “I am Alpha (al‘-fah)
and Omega (o’-meg-ah); (meaning
first and last). Alpha
meaning first as in a
sense as union; same time; at once stresses together at the same time or place.
Omega meaning the last; finality: (not rapture as religion teaches), but the completion or fulfilling of
But as Ephesian 4:13 speaks of:
He is “the Beginning and the Ending.” God’s Word is the
Revelation (revealing, unveiling, manifestation, appearing) of Jesus the
Christ, who was God Himself in flesh form.
John 1:1: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and
the Word was God: vs 14: And the
Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us.
Revelation 3:14: These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the
beginning of the creation of God.
I said all that to say,
“The Bible is One Book, One Story, HIS-Story: Jesus’ story and the revelation
of Jesus the Christ.” The Word of God to
us is the revealing of God the Creator, Jesus Christ the Son/the orchestrator
and The Holy Ghost/the applicator which consist of The Father and Son in ONE.
To some people GOD is like a genie in a bottle. You get two
or three wishes out of Him and then it’s all over. Put Him up on the shelf
until you need Him again. Well I come to tell you GOD is no genie in a
bottle. The same GOD back then in Genesis is the same GOD right now!! If He did it before…..He can do it again!! “SAME GOD THEN, SAME GOD NOW!!!”
person who has stood the test of time.
One person who has reigned over all creation
from the beginning of time.
person who set HIS-story in motion.
person who has promised the world that He is in control.
person who Is king, high priest and Lord of lords.
God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost!
Malachi 3:6
“For I am the Lord, I change not;
Numbers 23:19 “God is not a man that he should
lie; neither the son of man that he should repent:
Lamentations 3:22 “It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed,
because his compassions fail not."
Look people of God, it is God’s grace
that saves us, it cares for us and it stoops down and rescues us. Grace meets
us where we are but doesn’t leave us where it found us.
How many know that “mercy is an act
of love and it bears richer fruits than justice.”
Compassion cries out from the depths,
pity leads you to want to help them if you could, but compassion goes two steps
further. Instead of a desire to help
it creates a determination to actually help.
James 1:17: Every
good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father
of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning (meaning
never changing).
So, God doesn’t run out of compassion and He’s
not short on power. So when you need His help He will be right there and do it
again and again.
So, it shouldn’t be so amazingly WOW,
what GOD did in the biblical days and even what He does in our lives now!
WOW!! He did
that for Moses…..Wow! He did that
for David…..Wow!!! He did that for
the Hebrew boys…..Woooow!!! Look He
was not showing you how great He was to them…but He was showing you the kind of
Great GOD He can be to you right now……..WHEW!!!!!
So If He healed back then….. He can
heal right now………If He provided back then……He can provide right now……If He made
a way out of no way then…….He can make a way right now. Same
GOD back then same GOD right
now. If He did it back then, He can do it right now!!!! If He did it
before; He can do it again!!
All it takes is Faith and Belief,
they work together like a hand in a glove. Belief is based in the mind and
faith is based on joining the heart and mind together. In order for things to
happen you must first believe then activate your faith. Matthew 21:22
“And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, Believing, ye shall
receive. Isaiah 55:11
says, “So shall my word be that goes forth out of my mouth; it shall not
return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please and it shall
prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.”
So, if GOD said it He is big enough
and bad enough to back it up. Hebrews 12:24 says, “He is faithful that
promised. Jesus taught that there is a power in man that gives him
authority over the things of the world. Acts
1:8 But ye shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you.
GOD has given us the power. Jesus said, “If thou canst believe, ALL
things are possible to him that believeth.” (Mark 9:23)
Let’s take a look at some wow events or experiences GOD
performed. Wow meaning surprise, joy, or
dismay. Wow as in overwhelm with
delight or amazement in situations in which you knew ONLY GOD can.
Look at (1st King
This is a story about Elijah and the
Widow woman at Zarephath and how GOD performed an oil well in a jar. What’s so
amazing is God had already provided/made a way for Elijah in advance before he
had arrived in Zarephath. He (GOD) said
I have commanded a widow woman to sustain thee……all Elijah had to do was
go. And because of the widow woman’s faith and obedience the barrel of meal
wasted not, neither did the cruse of oil fail. Because the woman gave her last,
there continued to be enough food for them throughout the famine.
Elijah’s name means Jehovah is God, my God is Jah (unchangeable,
eternal, everlasting). Zarephath
(Zar-e’-phath) means place of refinement, place of purification with fire. It is
at Zarephath that the widow in a
state of partial starvation, gives her little supply of substance (material matter) and joy to the
sustenance (sustaining provisions) of
spiritual life and wisdom, as in (the joy of the Lord is my strength)
and receives an all-sufficient supply in return.
The widow represents the divine feminine (which is the love principle) and Elijah
represents the divine masculine
or wisdom. Separated, these are both in a state of lack. But when they are
joined in consciousness, increase at once begins and there is abundant good -
from a handful of meal and a small jar of oil to an overflowing abundance.
God then, Same God now. If He did it then, He can provide for you right now.
Because the widow woman gave her last there continued to be sufficient food for
them throughout the whole period of famine.
Another wow event
was in (II Kings 4: 1-7) The Widow’s pot of oil. Here we have the widow of Bethel; a certain
woman whose husband was dead, cried unto Elisha saying, “The creditors were coming to
take my two sons as servants/slaves.”
When she did
what the man of God had commanded, God filled all the vessels she had borrowed
and she had more than enough to pay her debt and also for her and her children
to live off of the rest. They went from
one pot of oil to more than enough! Same
God then! Same God now! God moved them from lack to over-abundance
because of her obedience to the word of the man of God.
Elisha’s name means in Hebrew, God
of supplication (or of riches): it
goes to “el”, meaning strength;
mighty; the Almighty; God, god, power; it
means God is a savior, God of
deliverance; to whom God gives victory. This is what Elisha had become to these widow
women, a savior, a deliverer to them, their source of riches or supply through
the power of the Almighty God.
2 Chronicles 20 (when Moab and Ammon
came against Jehoshaphat and was defeated):
Vs 20: And
they rose early in the morning, and went forth into the wilderness of
Tekoa: and as they went forth,
Jehoshaphat stood and said, “Hear me, O Judah, and you inhabitants of
Jerusalem; believe in the LORD your God, so shall you be established; believe
his prophets, so shall you prosper.”
Elisha knew who he was in God!!!
He was tapping into the spiritual source that was on the inside of
Himself, the very power of God Himself!
And by acknowledging this power, he was able to call into being those
things that weren’t as though they were and they manifested!
1 John 4:4: Greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world! This is the importance of seeking
first the “kingdom of God”.
Kingdom here is from the root word basilei’a (bas-il-I’ah), meaning royalty,
as a king ruling, and reigning; a realm.
It goes to another root word basileus’,
which is a foundation of power. Then it goes to basis (bas’-ece), meaning “to walk; a pace (“base”), in relation to
“the foot” (that with which one steps).
Joshua 14:9: And
Moses sware on that day, saying, “Surely the land whereon thy feet have
trodden shall be thine inheritance, and thy children’s forever, because
thou hast wholly followed the LORD my God."
Kingdom is actually from two words, “king”
(the one who rules) and “Dom” or “domain” (the territory over which the kings rules).
Luke 17:20: The kingdom of God cometh not with observation:
· Vs 21: Neither
shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.
Matthew 4:17: Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
The “kingdom
being at hand” in actuality means it is in arms reach; meaning it is no further
than your hands because the “kingdom is the power of God that is within you!”
1 Corinthians
kingdom of God is not in word, but in power.
Romans 14:17: The
kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in
the Holy Ghost.
Truly speaking, the “Kingdom” is
not a place out beyond the blue, but the “Kingdom” is a person,
the Man Jesus the Christ!
Mark 11 (Jesus making His
triumphal entry into Jerusalem riding on a donkey):
Vs 9: And they that went before, and they that
followed, cried, saying, “Hosanna, Blessed is he that cometh in
the name of the Lord: vs 10:
Blessed be the kingdom of our father David, that cometh in the name of the Lord:
Hosanna in the highest.
Those people
were seeing or watching “the Kingdom of God”, who was and still is Jesus
the Christ, ride into Jerusalem on a donkey or ass which under the law
if no one redeemed it, its neck had to be broken, and it had to be redeemed with “a
lamb” (Exodus 34:20). Under the plan of redemption for us to live, we had to be redeemed with “the Lamb of God”, Jesus the
Hebrews 9:11: But
Christ being come a high priest of good things to come, by a greater and more
perfect tabernacle, not made with hands, that is to say, not of this building,
Vs 12: Neither by
the blood of goats and calves, but by his own blood he entered in once into the
holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us.
22: Without the
shedding of blood is no remission.
So you have
to know who you are and where the kingdom is and where the King is,
because where the King is, there is the kingdom! The King (Jesus
Christ), who is the Kingdom, lives on the inside of us!!
[Back to ELISHA]:
The empty
vessels in relation to the condition of the church now are those that have been
under the bondage of the false church system being given the husks that’s on the outside of the corn and
not the
corn which in Hebrew denotes “increase,
to become numerous, growth”. The
growth of the church has been stunted by religious teaching. But as God sends out the Elisha’s (saviors;
deliverers) with the word of truth, and this “oil which is the anointing in
its fullness” is being poured into the vessels (God’s people), it will
cause and is causing increase in faith, understanding, revelation knowledge, wisdom, dominion, authority, and power within the people for the glory of God, knowing
that the greater one is on the inside of us, not out in the sky, and
as he is, so are we, in this world (1 John 4:17). This is the “truth”
that causes one to “shut the door (of our
carnal or flesh mind) to the negative thoughts of religion and deny the “one of these days we will overcome”
messages" and open the door (our spiritual
mind) only to the positive thoughts of God’s divine Mind and affirm (declare, assert, confirm, ratify) that
we are “more than conquerors right now
in every area of our lives” because we serve a “right now God!” The same God that He was in the Old
Testament, He is the same God right
here and right now!!!
See the oil
was the anointing and Bethel (bayth-ale) was the house of “bread” or the
house of God.
John 6 (Jesus the Bread of life):
Vs 31: Our fathers
did eat manna in the desert; as it is written, “He gave them bread from heaven
to eat.”
Vs 32: Then Jesus
aid unto them, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, Moses gave you not that
bread from heaven; but my Father giveth you the true bread from heaven.”
Vs 33: “For the
bread of God is he which cometh down from heaven, and giveth life unto the
Vs 34: Then said
they unto him, “Lord, evermore give us this bread.”
Vs 35: And Jesus
said unto them, “I am the bread of life:
he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me
shall never thirst.”
Vs 48: I am that
bread of life.
Vs 49: Your
fathers did eat manna in the wilderness, and are dead.
Vs 50: This is the
bread which cometh down from heaven, that a man may eat thereof, and not die.
Vs 51: I am the living
bread which came down from heaven:
if any man eat of this bread, he shall live forever: and the bread that I will give is my flesh,
which I will give for the life of the world.
Vs 53: Except you
eat the flesh of the Son of man (the Word), and drink his blood (received His
Spirit by the Holy Ghost), you have no life in you.
Vs 54: Whosoever
eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life; and I will raise him
up at the last day.
[The “last day” not being the
end of the world, but it’s Christ Himself who is the “first and the last”
(Revelation 1:17) or the “beginning and fulfilling (completion)”
of all God does – and it’s in Himself He will raise (anis’temi)
[cause us to arise out of the sleep of death put on us through
darkness from the ignorance of philosophy, vain deceit and
traditions of men, rudiments of the world, and not after Christ
(Colossians 2:8) by religious order, and make us arise and stand
upright in the wisdom, revelation knowledge, understanding of the Holy
Ghost and manifest the dominion, authority, and power that God has given us and
ordained us to as His ambassadors in the earth, for His glory]!!
We already
know that we are God’s temple or dwelling place. As Genesis 28:16 says, “Surely Jehovah
is in this place.”
Jehovah is in
our temples as well! Jehovah, The I AM,
dwells in us and we must recognize this great power and presence of God in whom
all our strength and ability lies. The I AM is occupying the temple. Remember
God told Moses when He sent him to deliver the children of Israel out of
Egyptian bondage, to tell them that “I AM THAT I AM” had come to deliver
them (Exodus 3:13-14). Moses was the God that went and delivered the
people of God out of bondage by God’s mighty power!
You see we
already know God is in our midst (in us) and that our body (house) is His temple
and that our mind is the gate to heaven (harmony).
1st Corinthians 3:16 Know ye not that
ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit
of God dwelleth in you?
Another WOW moment was GOD parting the waters!!!!
(Exodus 14:21) God did it once for Moses at the Red
Sea. Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and the Lord caused the sea to
go back by a strong east wind all that night and made the sea dry land and the
waters were divided. Moses name means drawing
out; from the waters. Moses was recognizing the powers and presence of GOD
in which all his strength and ability lies. It was through this sea that the
Israelites passed on dry land, while the Egyptians who followed were drowned.
Talking about the Same God then who is the Same God now, was
typifying that this Sea is the “Sea,” Revelation 21:1 speaks of
that is “no more,”: And I saw a
new heaven (new mind-set) [the higher realm
of spiritual elevation our minds have entered because of the transformation
process that has given us Christ’s mind and we’re thinking differently with a
spiritual mind and not a carnal mind]: Romans 8:6: To be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and
peace: and a new
earth: (not the dirt on the ground –
but that “new earth” being that “new man” (the Christ man) that has stood up
and put that (old man, that old nature, under our feet): for the first
heaven [the one we thought that we had to die and sail away to get to] and the
first earth [that “old or carnal nature” that we catered to before the
Christ man resurrected in us] were passed away; and there was no more sea.
This is the universal sensate (to perceive through the senses) thought
of the human race, which is to be dissolved and come to naught. The majority of Christendom is “flesh or carnal minded” because of the
teachings of men. This programming has
caused most people to believe that everything they get from God they have to
die and go to heaven to have it. This is
vain deceit that leads to death.
Proverbs 14:12 states, “There is a way that seems right unto a man, but
the end thereof, are the ways of death.”
When in reality, we must live to have and enjoy what God
has put in place for us. If you are an
heir and you die before the one that willed it to you does, you will never get
Hebrews 9:16: For where a testament is, there
must also of necessity be the death of the testator. Vs 17: For a testament is of force after
men are dead: otherwise it is of no
strength at all while the testator liveth.
Romans 8:17: And if children, then heirs;
heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with
him, that we may be also glorified together.
The testator (Jesus) has died! What He died for us to have, we can
have it right now: perfect peace, dominion, authority, power,
divine health, eternal life, etc!!
We sometimes think of a “sea,”
too, as a state of unrest. We
must command our sense thoughts (waters)
[carnal mindedness] to stand still
afar off, to recede (go backward/withdraw) from consciousness
and be cast into the bottomless pit to be “no more”!
So we must bring that sea of thought under subjection to the Spirit and Mind of
II Corinthians 10:4: (For the weapons of
our warfare are not
carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)
Whoooa!!! Good God Almighty people
Hasn’t He proven to you that He will do it again as He did
before? Doesn’t He always
come through for you?
Hasn’t He proven that He will never
fail you? (Lamentation 3:22) His compassions they fail not?
Did I not say earlier compassion cries
out and goes twice as far? Has not GOD
proven He has not forgotten you? (Isaiah
49:15) They may forget; yet will I
not forget thee.
Believeth thou the Word of The
Lord!!!! Bear with me people of
I want to give you two more biblical
WOW faith experiences religion calls rapture
events. But the Sons of God/The True Church calls it unconscious breathing; a transformation.
1st transformation:
Elijah slowly learned the lesson that one must receive the kingdom
of God as a little child.
Luke 18:16: But Jesus called them unto him, and said, “Suffer little children
to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.”
Vs 17: Verily I say unto you, “Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of
God as a little child shall in no wise enter therein.”
Elijah started
out with the roar of the whirlwind and ended with the whisper of the “still
small voice.”
Elijah (the I AM in man) and Enoch (the true teacher)
is showing how when our thought processes are redeveloped and regenerated from
that which is negative to that which is positive through the metamorphosis of “the
truth of God’s Word”, we take on the spiritual
rebirth which moves us from darkness to light, from sickness to health,
from death to life, from torment to peace and harmony (Heaven)! This is what having Christ’s mind will do for
us! [Neither one of these men experienced death]! That's a BIG WOW!!
2nd transformation: was in Acts 1 in relation to “the
Look people
of God; Jesus did not leave the planet at His ascension. He simply entered the
inner realms of spirituality and took on another form. He will only become
visible to those who “put on Christ”
and manifest their incorruptible, undying bodies. (Enoch and Elijah proved
that). He can only be seen by those who know Him by the Spirit.
(1 John 3:2) Beloved,
now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be (as long as one is looking through the
cloudy lens of the natural eye or carnal mind): but we know that, when he
shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is (those
looking through the single eye of spiritual vision recognizes that when we look
at each other, we are looking at Him “in flesh form in one
another”, or when you look in the mirror, you’re looking at Him
“as He is” “in flesh form” “in you”)!!
Many are
conscious of His presence in some degree, but they do not see Him as He is, because they have not
brought their faculties of apprehension up to His standards. When we awake in
His likeness then we shall see Him as He is.
(Psalm 17:15) As for
me, I will behold thy face in righteousness: I shall be satisfied, when I
awake, with thy likeness.
doesn’t come about through the soul leaving the body; but it is accomplished by
refining, spiritualizing, and raising both soul and body to higher degrees of
power. And we do that by allowing Philippians 3:5-6 to manifest within ourselves,
“Let this mind be
in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: 6 Who,
being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God.”
Listen people of God! When we identify
ourselves with The Father-Mind as Jesus identified Himself with it, we shall
see Him face to face in His spiritual reality. And to do that all you have to do is look in
the mirror or at one another and “we see Him as He is”! (1st
John 4:17) Because as he is, so are we in this world.
Hasn’t He proven to you that He will do it again as He did
before. …… Doesn’t He always come through
for you?
Hasn’t He proven that He will never fail you? (Lamentation 3:22) His compassions they fail not!
Did I not say earlier compassion cries
out and goes twice as far? Has not GOD proven He has not forgotten you? (Isaiah 49:15) They may forget; yet will I not forget thee!
Believeth thou the Word of The
Now let’s move it into our day now!!! Let’s
look at some WOW experiences we can
testify about.
GOD BACK THEN……. (ie women
not able to bare children):
11:30) Sarai was barren, she had no child.
At ninety Sarah conceived with the seed of promise (Isaac) (Genesis 21).
Judges 13:2)
There was a certain man of Zorah,
whose wife was barren and bare not. But an angel of the Lord appeared unto the
woman and said, “Thou shalt conceive and bear a son (Samson).”
My eldest daughter, who the doctor said her womb is not able to carry a
child full term. Her first pregnancy she miscarried at 20 weeks. Her second pregnancy the same thing happened but
this time was 21 weeks. But Glory be to
God her 3rd pregnancy the enemy tried to get this little fellow too
at 27 weeks but how many know the number three (3) being the number of resurrection, God allowed a two
pound baby boy to come forth, July 6th 2009, which I call “my Lil Miracle Man” Ethan, and today he is 12 years of age. His name is from the Hebrew root word, Eythan
–ay-thawn’, meaning “permanent;
to continue; a chieftain (a chief); strong; mighty; strength. We’re committing him into the mighty hand
of God believing God to use him mightily for His glory!!
GOD BACK THEN…….(for those perplexed
Luke 8:2: A certain woman which had been healed of
evil spirits and infirmities; Mary called Magdalene, out of whom went seven
2011 the enemy tried to steal my youngest daughter's mind!!! But how many
know she has a praying mother and through much fasting and prayer God brought
her through. But her greatest strength was her coming to HERSELF by a
lifting up of power in her consciousness and letting this faculty be greatly increased by the Word and Mind of Christ, allowing Him to take hold of her soul department (her emotions and desires) that were then controlled by demons, and the Lord's anointing destroyed the yoke, and set her free!! John 8:36: If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be
free indeed.
GOD BACK THEN……. (ie to sickness)
5:25) Jesus heals
a woman that had a diseased issue of blood for twelve years. She had suffered
many treatments of many physicians, and had spent all that she had, and was
nothing bettered; but rather grew worse.
how many know she heard “The Great Physician” was in
town……you know the story…..pressing her way she had only one thing in mind - For
she said, “If I may touch but his clothes, I shall be made whole.”
God came to our Matriarch, our eldest sister's rescue. The Word of God came forth to us the first of January 2011, which was “Work the Word so you can Work the Works,” and then God said "You all are going to go through something this year, but you're going to see the move of my hand in it"! Six days later we were given the news our Matriarch, our eldest sister was diagnosed with cancer in two areas of her body that was already stage three, entering into stage four! But Glory be To God, we got a praying family. God gave us instructions and through fasting, praying, laying on of hands, communion, belief, and above all FAITH, we saw God’s hand move in that situation, just as He said He would!! HALLELUJAH!!!!
see belief and faith works together like a hand in a glove. Belief is based in
the mind and faith is based on joining the heart
and mind together. In order for things to happen you MUST first believe
then activate your faith.
Our eldest sister along with us stood on Isaiah 53:5, “But
he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised
for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon
him; and with his stripes we are healed.”
of 2013 she’s now cancer free!!! And as of NOW, 2021, SHE IS STILL
You may not know when, you may never know how, but the same GOD back then is the same GOD
right now!!! GOD said I’ll never
leave you nor forsake you……meaning He’ll never fail you!
you need a financial blessing……..Somewhere GOD has an oil well in a jar just
for you!
you need to get somewhere…..GOD can part the waters on your behalf!
you on your way or in the lion’s den…..Same
GOD back then the same GOD right now can shut the lion’s mouth for you!
like you’re lost and without GOD…….(Revelation
22:17) whosoever will let him take the water of life freely!
about seeking strengthening power of the Holy Spirit in your life…..(Luke 11:13) How much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them
that ask Him!
Listen people of GOD if your
spiritual batteries are about dead “GOD can recharge them and revive you again”. All things are possible
if you only believe and have faith.
Look, just like Jesus healed a
woman’s blood disease she had for twelve years that same GOD can come to your rescue. Just stand on Isaiah 53:5 “He was wounded for our
transgression, He was bruised for my iniquities; the chastisement of my peace
was upon Him and with His stripes “I AM HEALED”!!!
Remember Same GOD back then is the same GOD right now. If He did it back
then, He can do it right now. Same GOD
back then, same GOD right now…..If He did it before……He can do it again!
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