morning I would like to share with you about God bringing together the body of
Christ and how he showed this to me through the 2 broken bones I incurred
through the accident I had last fall.
Now you might be thinking: What
does the coming together of the body of Christ have to do with Rachel’s 2
broken bones? What God showed me is how
he is bringing together the body of Christ as
demonstrated by the healing or bringing together of my bones. Thus I have
given as the title of this message: The
Healing of The Nation - The Body of Christ.
scripture for this message is Ezekiel 37:1-14 which tells us about the valley
of the dry bones. To begin, let me give
you some history on the state of affairs of the Israelites at this time.
book, What the Bible is All About, tells us that “God had told of Judah’s captivity by Babylon over 100 years before it
happened (Isaiah 39:6, Micah 4:10). The
seventy years of its duration were foretold by Jeremiah (Jeremiah 25:11-12). God even told them the exact time of their
exile. But the captivity did not bring
the people of Judah back to God. This judgment of God only seemed to drive the
people into greater wickedness. They worshipped idols and set up shrines in the
hills and defiled the sanctuary of Jehovah (Ezekiel 5:11). They had been wicked and stiff-necked; they
were guilty of unspeakable sin and abomination. When other nations did what
Israel had done, God wiped them out. But all of God’s dealings with Israel were
for correction. He was punishing his children for their sin and was teaching
them great lessons. He said a remnant would survive.
(Mears, Dr. Henrietta C.; What the Bible is All About;
pages 257, 259-260, 262)
Israelites were a broken people. They
were in captivity in Babylon. They had become
lost, despondent, confused, and hopeless.
They saw no end in sight for ever making it to their own land.
his commentary, Matthew Henry describes them this way:
God had assured them, in chapter 36, that he would gather
the house of Israel, ...and would bring them out of their captivity, and return them to their own land; but there was a reason that rendered this very unlikely: they were so dispersed among their enemies, so destitute
of all helps and advantages which might favour or further their return, and so dispirited likewise in their
own minds.
God! He never gives up on us. He didn’t back then, and He doesn’t now. God needed his prophet, Ezekiel, to begin
ministering to the people, and for 22 years, he did just that. Ezekiel was in exile too and was a captive
ministering to captives, but his only responsibility was to deliver God’s
the book entitled All The Men of the Bible, Ezekiel was known as a charismatic priest because of his contact with
the Spirit, his visions, and the frequency with which the word of the Lord came
to him. His name means God Is Strong or
The Man God Strengthened. (Lockyer,
Herbert; All The Men of the Bible; page 116)
we know the plight of the Israelites and a little about Ezekiel. Allow me to summarize this scripture in
Ezekiel 37:1-14 so that we can learn about the dry bones and the bringing
together of the Israelites.
just the right time, God took his prophet Ezekiel into the spirit and showed
him a vision. It was a vision of an open
valley with bones scattered everywhere - as far and as wide as he could see
because they were scattered among several countries. But there was something about these
bones. They were disconnected from each
other, and they were scattered flat on the ground - not in a pile. Scripture says they were very dry, which means
ashamed, confused, disappointed, or to wither away.
asked Ezekiel if he thought these bones could live, and the prophet answered
that only God knew. God commanded
Ezekiel to prophesy to these bones and tell them to hear the word of the Lord.
The word hear is shama’ (shaw-mah’) in Hebrew, and it
means to hear intelligently; obedience; be attentive; understand. So God didn’t just want them to listen to
this command, and let the words go in one ear and out the other. He intended for them to be attentive and to
hear these words with understanding. He
meant business.
prophesied to the bones that God would join them together with sinews, cover
them with skin, and put breath into them so they would live. Then they would know that he was God.
was a noise, a shaking that took place.
It was a vibration, a commotion, a quaking, a rattling. God’s word had stirred these bones
into action, and the healing process had begun.
The sinews connected the bones, and the skin covered them, but there was
no breath. God commanded Ezekiel to
prophesy to the wind, or ruwach
meaning breath, to come upon the slain that they might live. Upon Ezekiel’s word, the breath came into
these reconnected bones covered with skin, and they lived. The word live
is chayah (khaw-yaw;) which means
to quicken; recover; repair; restore to life; revive; be whole. They were recovered; repaired; restored to
life; revived and made whole again. They
stood up on their feet and were an exceeding great army!
that’s not the end of this vision.
Lord continued to talk with Ezekiel explaining that these bones represented the
whole house of Israel. The Israelites
had said that their bones were dry and their hope was lost, but that is not
what God said. God told Ezekiel to
prophesy once again to them that he would open their graves and bring them
out. He would put his spirit in
them and place them in their own land, and they would know that it was the Lord
who performed it.
these 14 verses which I just summarized, the word used for said (as in God said unto me)
is the same word used in Genesis 1 when God was speaking the creation into
❖ Genesis 1:3 And God said,
Let there be light.
is the Hebrew word ‘amar (aw-mar’)
meaning to say; command; declare; promise.
We know that if God gives his promise, it is a done deal! Throughout these scriptures, he was making a
promise to his people through this vision which Ezekiel is seeing.
this summary of the “dry bones” scripture, God was showing Ezekiel how he was
going to bring back together the people of Israel - to rejoin them; reconnect
them; restore them; to give them hope; to let them know without a doubt that he
was their God. He needed Ezekiel to help
the Israelites to understand this and to have hope. As many times as God’s people turned away
from him - whether thousands of years ago as well as now - he continued to use
various ways to bring them back to him.
He could have wiped them out, but he loved them too much and wanted them
to know that he would never give up on them.
let’s leave the scripture and focus on the healing of the 2 broken bones I had
last fall. How does that relate to these
“dry bones”?
heard God speak this thought of bringing together the body of Christ after I
had the accident last fall. He took me
to this scripture in Ezekiel, and he showed me that the healing of my
broken bones actually demonstrates the healing and restoring of the body of
Christ. The word “heal” means “to restore to original purity or
integrity; to make free from injury or disease; to make sound or whole; to
cause (an undesirable condition) to be overcome”. (Merriam-Webster)
of all, we need to learn about how broken bones heal. This healing process involves 3 overlapping
stages: inflammation, bone production and bone remodeling.
Inflammation - starts
immediately after the bone is fractured and lasts for several days. When the
bone is fractured, there is bleeding into the area, leading to inflammation and
clotting of blood at the fracture site. This provides the initial structural
stability and framework for producing new bone.
Let me
insert here about how a blood clot is formed:
Blood platelets are released when a blood
vessel is damaged. They stick to the walls in the area and each other, changing
shape to form a plug that fills in the broken part to stop blood from leaking
Proteins in your blood called clotting
factors cause a rapid chain reaction. It ends with a dissolved substance in
your blood turning into long strands of fibrin. These get tangled up with the
platelets in the plug to create a net that traps even more platelets and cells.
The clot becomes much tougher and more durable.
Then there are reactions which stop the
growth of the clot and offset extra clotting factor proteins so the clot
doesn't spread farther than it needs to.
As the damaged tissue heals and you don't
need the clot any more, the tough fibrin strands dissolve, and your blood takes
back the platelets and cells of the clot.
The clot dissolves once its purpose has been accomplished.
This body was created to heal itself
- it knows what to do and when to do it.
Bone production - begins when the clotted blood formed by inflammation is
replaced with fibrous tissue and cartilage (known as soft callus). As healing
progresses, the soft callus is replaced with hard bone (known as hard callus),
which is visible on x-rays several weeks after the fracture.
Bone remodeling - the final phase of bone healing goes on for several
months. In remodeling, bone continues to form and becomes compact, returning to
its original shape. In addition, blood circulation in the area improves. Once
adequate bone healing has occurred, weightbearing encourages bone
is the process for bringing together the broken bones.
bring this closer to home. How does this
relate to the dry bones scripture and the bringing together of the body of
Christ? I believe we can use the 3
stages of bone healing to demonstrate the bringing together of the body of
Christ. I will review the physical
healing of the bones in my leg and then compare to the “dry bones” scripture.
● First is the Inflammation Stage
or the protective stage
I had stepped into that hole and my bones broke, each of these 2 bones had a
separation within themselves. Because of
that separation, I could not walk. But
the immediate healing action of my body caused the blood clots to form, and the
area became large and swollen which was a means of protecting the area.
I had fallen on the ground, God told me that the healing process had begun, and
I knew that that was a promise from God.
He didn’t wait for a doctor or an EMT to make an assessment before he
began the healing process. It was
immediate because my body was in crisis.
The healing action of my body caused the blood clots to form which
caused the inflammation and created the initial structural stability in my leg
and foot. It brought the 2 broken bones
together again into perfect alignment which meant I did not need surgery or any
outside source to restore them. This was
a promise from God when he said that the healing
process had begun.
God knew that his people needed to hear that he would bring them
together. So he took
action by calling Ezekiel into service to prophesy to them. He sent Ezekiel to minister with His words
and promises in order to put a stop to the ”bleeding” or that grave
mindset. In this vision, Ezekiel saw the
entire area as large and swollen with separated bones. They needed immediate and restorative help.
● Next we have the Bone Production
phase: clotted blood was replaced by tissue which became hard bone;
production means to make, construct, build, assemble, create
broken bones were still in perfect alignment so no surgery was required. All I
needed was to keep my foot elevated above my heart, and I needed God’s
healing. So the blood clot was replaced
with fibrous tissue and cartilage known as soft callus. Over time, the body worked to make,
construct, build, and create this hard bone by continuing to send life-giving
blood and other proteins to the area.
And we know that the life of the
flesh is in the blood! (Leviticus 17:11)
Just as God did with me, he gave the command to Ezekiel to let the
healing process begin. The bones were
not piled on top of each other but were laying flat on the ground. I believe that the bones were laying flat
because our God is a God of order. He
had the bones placed to come together with like bones. He had a plan to restore the bones to the way
they were connected before - to their original shape. Each bone (or part of the body of Christ) would
be connected to the correct adjoining bone in order to form its original
shape. This demonstrates the
reconnecting of the bones to each other and the rejoining of the body of
Christ. The connection would be so
strong that no foreign matter would be able to squeeze into the body and
disband it once his spirit was in place.
bones were connected with sinews or tendons.
The word for sinews in the Hebrew is giyd
(gheed) and means tendon. If you search it out, it goes to guwd (goode) which means to overcome and then to gadad (gaw dad’) which means to assemble
or gather. So the sinews were the key
factor to bringing and assembling the bones together. Upon Ezekiel’s prophecy, the bones did not
only come together but were covered with skin, and breath was put into them,
all of which made them stronger.
God’s breath brought them
to life as they stood up. He had brought
the bones and the body back together, but it took his breath to give them
life. The body
of Christ is being
repaired, recovered and restored with His breath, but does that finish the task
of bringing together the body of Christ?
Not just yet...
Phase is Bone Remodeling - bone
becomes compact and returns to its original shape./ Remodeling means to fashion
or shape; change structure or form. This
is the final stage and takes several months to complete in the natural.
After 7 weeks of elevating
my leg, I began to bear weight with an ankle brace. This provided less support than the boot I
had been wearing, but it allowed me to put full weight on my foot and continue
this bone remodeling process.
Weight-bearing is an important component in this healing process because
it builds the bones and keeps them strong.
For the Israelites, God
still had more for them to aid in their restoration process. He told Ezekiel to prophesy:
Ezekiel 37:12-14 Therefore
prophesy and say unto them, Thus saith the Lord God; Behold, O my people, I
will open your graves, and cause you to come up out of your graves, and bring
you into the land of Israel.
13 And ye shall know that I am
the Lord, when I have opened your graves, O my people, and brought you up out
of your graves,
14 And shall put my spirit in
you, and ye shall live, and I shall place you in your own land: then shall ye
know that I the Lord have spoken it, and performed it, saith the Lord.
This was the final step for
God in bringing the Israelites back together to their
original form (as they were in the beginning before the foundations of the
world) so that they could serve the God who restored them, and he could love
them with all his heart. He had to get them
out of the graves - out of the death state; out of the death mindset. They were thinking only about the
impossibility of coming out of captivity and into their own land. They were thinking that they were doomed for
life and for generations to come. They
had lost their love for the God who loved them more. But God!
They had to have God’s
spirit in them or they would simply be living and breathing. They would not completely be God’s
people. With his spirit, they would know
- with that intuitive understanding - that God was their Lord who spoke this
and performed it. He was the one who
gave them life or chayah (khaw-yaw’),
meaning to recover, repair, restore, revive, save.
Just as the blood
circulation improves in bone remodeling, the blood had begun to recirculate in
these bodies of the Israelites.
Leviticus 17:11 For the life of the flesh is in the blood.
In the same way, we must
have the spirit of the living God in us, and we do. But if he is not awakened or quickened in us,
we are only breathing.
Corinthians 15:45 ...The first man Adam was
made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit.
The bone remodeling process takes a long time
- months. But each day is a healing day
and a step in the right direction for complete healing. The Israelites had to learn the process of
weight-bearing. In the natural, this
builds bones and keeps them strong. For
the Israelites, weight-bearing involved handling undesired circumstances,
trials, tough times, and it required patience.
But with God’s spirit living in them, they could bear this weight that
would be added onto them throughout their life, and they would become a
stronger people for it.
So can we put all of this information
together to have meaning for us today?
Sure we can.
God is calling the body of Christ to come
together. He is healing us. He is calling us to simplify our worship and
our service to him. We don’t need
programs; we don’t need large organizations to direct us to serve; we don’t
need to separate ourselves by demon-nations.
We need only to serve one God with one Spirit and one Baptism.
● Ephesians 4:4-6 There is one body, and one Spirit, even as
ye are called in one hope of your calling;
5 One Lord, one faith, one baptism,
6 One God and Father of all, who is above all,
and through all, and in you all.
I want you to know with an intuitive understanding that God
is bringing together the body of Christ as demonstrated by the healing of my
bones. It is not just a pulling together
and closing the gap between the bones or the body of Christ. It is healing the body of Christ
because of these 4 reasons:
- Our God is
an action God who responds immediately to our crises even when we
may not be aware.
- He is a healing
God who created this body to heal itself and live forever.
- He builds
and constructs us to carry out His work. He makes us stronger each day by
changing our “soft bone to hard bone”; by changing our name from children
to sons to priests and lords. (1
Peter 2:9)
4. He continues to shape us to our
original formation as when we were with
Him in the beginning. We are stronger because we are learning how
to bear the weight of the enemy’s attacks.
And we are stronger because we can only do this with God’s Word and His
Spirit in us.
We need God now more than ever. Our nation, meaning America, is becoming more
and more divisive. We see the acts of
the enemy on the national level, the state level, and on the local level in
ways that we have never seen before. But
I believe that God is still in control and working behind the scenes.
I believe that God is healing and bringing together the
body of Christ. As a dear friend prayed
in an email a few days ago, “May our eyes be open to see and our ears be open
to hear and our hearts be open to feel each person whom you have placed in our
paths to invite them to come along and experience the life-changing love of
Christ and name changing to "Loved",
"Free", "Beautiful," and "Whole." This is how the body will heal - by taking
action; by opening ourselves to each one placed in our path; by inviting them
to come along and experience the life-changing love of Christ.
I want to close with one of my favorite scriptures. I call it one of my favorite not because it
inspires me or makes me feel empowered, but because it shows me time and time
again what God’s instructions are to us when we feel defeated or when the world
appears to be defeated. This is the
scripture that heals me:
2 Chronicles 7:14 If my
people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and
seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven,
and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
These are God’s 4 simple instructions. God is
Healing the Nation - The Body of Christ.
~ Deaconess Rachel West
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