Monday, October 8, 2012

The Shield of Faith

For the next few weeks, our ministry will be covering the topic of spiritual warfare from the epistle of Ephesians. This epistle is a GREAT call to work, meaning live worthy of our call. To do this requires us to continually be arrayed with spiritual armor. This message is about the “Shield of Faith” usng the King James Version for text.

Ephesians 6:16: “Above all taking The Shield of Faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.”

Because the Christian’s life is warfare - a spiritual conflict - The Shield of Faith is a vital part of your armor. None of the other pieces of weapon mentioned so far are exalted as highly as The Shield of Faith.
The Bible says we should have it “above all.” If you notice as Paul names the different parts of the armor, he emphasizes the importance of the Shield of Faith by saying “above all” (meaning in all, over all, higher than, and through all) “taking The Shield of Faith.”
The Shield of Faith has a very specific function which the Bible makes abundantly clear: that is to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. Not some of them but ALL of them. The Shield of Faith not only defends our whole body but also our armor as well. It keeps the darts of the enemy away from the head, chest, waist, arms and legs.
The Shield moves with the attack. A skilled soldier can use the shield to hold back the darts of the enemy no matter the direction they come from. The shield would be held at arm’s length in the left hand and across the body to ward off blows of the enemy for defense while the right hand was free to use the sword or spear for offense. When The Shield is down, the other weapons are exposed. So as long as The Shield is lifted, NOTHING can hurt you.
The Shield of Faith simply means we believe and trust God. We are firm and unwaveringly loyal to whom one is united by promise, trust and honesty. Faith is the ultimate assurance and the ultimate evidence (fact or proof) that makes clear what is true or not. “So then Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.” (Romans 10:17)
We believe with our minds, but Faith joins the heart and mind together. Faith has to allow the spirit man to overtake the flesh man. By Faith, the Mind trusts in God; the Heart responds to the love of God; the Will submits to the command of God; the Life obeys in the service of God. “For we walk by Faith, not by sight.” (2 Cor.5:7)
It’s important to have Faith. Of all the fruits of the spirit, of all the armor of God, of all the faculties of the mind (that Jesus called into order), Faith was the first faculty that Jesus collected.
The importance of Faith is seen in that:
You cannot be saved without faith Ephesians 2:8
You cannot live victoriously over the world without faith 1 John 5:4
You cannot please God without faith Hebrews 11:6
You cannot pray without faith James 1:6
You cannot have peace with God without faith Romans 5:1
You cannot have joy without faith 1 Peter 1:8
You are justified by faith and not by works Galatians 2:16)
You are to live by faith Hebrews 10:38
You are made righteous by faith Heb 11:7
Christ dwells in your heart by faith Ephesians 3:17
The Holy Spirit is received by faith Galatians 3:2
For whatsoever is not of faith is sin” Romans 14:23

2 Corinthians 4:18: “While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen; for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.” The “things seen” means the flesh-man, those “not seen” mean the spirit man so we have to grasp God by The Spirit. The flesh has to succumb to The Spirit. Faith is taking God at His Word and asking no questions.

Faith is knowing “that all things work together for good to them that love God”. (Rom 8:28) Faith does not believe that all things are good or that all things work well. It does believe that ALL things (good or bad) work together for good to them that love God.

Faith goes beyond reasoning………It believes without understanding why. Ask The Heroes of Faith!!!!!!!!!

They worshiped by Faith as Abel.
They walked by Faith as Enoch.
They worked by Faith as Noah.
They lived by Faith as Abraham.
They governed by Faith as Moses.
They followed by Faith as Israel.
They fought by Faith as Joshua.
They conquered by Faith as Gideon.
They subdued Kingdoms by Faith as David.
They closed the mouth of lions by Faith as Daniel.
They walked through the fire by Faith as the Three Hebrew Boys.

By Faith they were patient in suffering, courageous in battle, made strong out of weakness and were victorious in defeat. They were more than conquerors by Faith.

It is only by The Shield of Faith in the all-powerful Christ that you can be superior to circumstances and victorious over ALL the evil forces and fiery darts that would destroy you. Again of all the armor, of all the fruits, and of all the faculties, the first one is “FAITH” because Faith honors God, and God always honors FAITH. So people of God stop allowing the enemy to destroy you!! Remember your Shield will penetrate anything and ALL things that the enemy launches at YOU.

So when the enemy are encamped around you or when your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about seeking whom he may devour, that’s when your Shield of Faith, El Shaddai (our strength), rises up

When you or your possession are in danger, whom do you trust? When you’re discouraged with the trials of life, do you turn to alcohol, drugs or a witch doctor? Or will you allow El Olam (The everlasting God) to be your Shield of Faith? El Olam will allow you to mount up with wings and soar like eagles. You be able to soar above your difficulties.

What about when bills are due and the outcome is more than your income? Or where your next meal is coming from? Let El Elyon (God of most high) deliver YOU. Maybe you are going through overwhelming experiences that look hopeless or when you have reached the point you don’t know which way to turn? That’s when we have to be like Abraham and run to Mt. Moriah (bitterness of Jehovah).

When changes take place in the consciousness, there are sometimes very bitter experiences, and a stout faith is needed to believe that good will come out of them. But good always comes if there is a steadfast obedience and Faith in the goodness of God where he was willing to give up his son.

This is where Jehovah-Jireh (the God that supplies) is our Shield of Faith. You must be willing to go to your own Mt. Moriah and lay everything on the altar.

In closing, remember Hebrew 10:23: Let us hold fast the profession (confession) of our FAITH without wavering; (for HE Is Faithful that promised;)”, meaning one who has kept his plighted FAITH (plighted meaning promise by pledge). Also looking unto Jesus the Author and Finisher of OUR FAITH. OUR FAITH in God and His Word are OUR SHIELD OF FAITH.

Remember when we put down THE SHIELD, we get plugged by the enemy. So keep OUR SHIELDS lifted at ALL times.

We’re armed and dangerous, private property, no trespassing, 10-4 over and out!

~ Evangelist Jackie Burton

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