Corinthians 12:13 “by one Spirit are we all baptized
into one body whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or
free: and have been all made to drink into one Spirit”
“joined” God's team when we were baptized into the body of
Christ. Baptize
comes from the Greek words baptizo
and bapto
which mean to overwhelm, wash, make fully wet, and to stain.
“Overwhelm” means to overpower in thought and to cover over
completely. Through Jesus's resurrection and the baptism of the Holy
Ghost, we are
overwhelmed, covered completely, washed, and, yes, even stained with
Jesus's blood!
word “stain” usually gives a negative connotation, such as the
discoloring of our clothes or the carpet. But stain also means “a
preparation (as of dye or pigment) used in penetrating the pores of
wood”. Look at these cabinets – they were not this color when
they were 1st carved but a stain was added to them to give
them this beautiful color. The stain penetrated the pores of the
wood to completely cover these doors.
about our bodies in the natural – we have pores in our skin. They
are minute openings in the membranes that allow absorption or passage
of liquid. We put lotion on our skin and it is absorbed. We sweat,
and water comes out of our pores.
about the “pores” of our minds and hearts? In the spirit, aren't
they openings that allow us to absorb Jesus? Jesus's blood has
stained us and penetrated our minds and hearts and souls and has
changed us forever so that we will never be the same again! “As he
is, so are we”! (1 John 4:17)
whether we are talking about the Tigers or the Sons of God, we are
each a part of a whole. We are joined, fused together, connected by
coming into union with Christ. And we must demonstrate oneness,
inseparability, uniformity, singlemindness, and consistency in what
we proclaim to be the truth of the gospel – that Christ lives in us
and will never leave us or forsake us!
doesn't matter, as the scripture says, “whether they are Jews or
Gentiles, bond or free”. We “have been all made to drink
into one Spirit.”
of the definitions of the word “made” is:
- fitted, intended, or destined by or as if creating
fitted us, intended for us, and destined for us to drink into this
one Spirit. The Greek definition for “drink” means to “furnish
drink; irrigate; give (make) to drink, feed, water”. By directing
us to “drink into this one Spirit”, God is intending us to be
irrigated (or refreshed) with entry or inclusion into His Spirit by
feeding on His Word, absorbing his word. It was His plan all along
for every single one of us!
14: “For the body is not one member, but many.”
as the Tigers are considered an organized group on the court, the
Sons of God are an organized group in the world; a mass that is
distinct and different from other masses; a group of disciples
organized for God's purpose; a group that gives shape to/represents
the body of Christ.
Rachel West
This message will be posted in 5 parts. If you are interested in reading the message in its entirety, please click on this link to download https://hotfile.com/dl/ 161227098/18bebe5/Message_51_- _The_Body_of_Christ.pdf.html If you experience any problems with this download, please leave a comment so that we may assist you.
This message will be posted in 5 parts. If you are interested in reading the message in its entirety, please click on this link to download https://hotfile.com/dl/
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