The making of man was not God scooping up some dirt, shaping it into a form, and blowing breath into it. No! No!
When God "made" man, man was already here. Man came into existence by the creative power of the spoken Word of the living God when he said, in Gen. 1:24, “Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind”. It was then that “man” (male and female) came forth. Then in Genesis 1:26, God said “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness”.
In order to “make” something, you need something “already made” to work with. A seamstress makes outfits or suits out of material already in existence. But God “created”; then He “made”.
To “make” means:
accomplish (perform, carry out, to complete)
advance (move forward or ahead, make or become higher; to progress)
appoint (to set, to name for an office, position, etc; to furnish)
apt (unusually qualified or fit; quick to understand)
bestow (present or give honor)
bring forth; have charge of; dress; put in execution
The “making of man” (male and female) was God performing a complete work in them to present or bring them forth in His own image! God caused “man” to progress into a high place or the heavenlies and set him (male and female) in a position of ruling authority and power! God caused them to be quick or alive in their understanding by putting His blood in them, which qualified them to rule as God! Genesis 1:28 states “God blessed them, and said unto them, Be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth”.
God took “man” (male and female) out of a chaotic state of darkness (death, misery, destruction, ignorance) and brought him forth with His blood in him! “Man” means “adam”, and “Adam” means to show blood in the face. God “made man” with His (God's) blood in him (male and female). He “made” them in His image (meaning ghost or phantom - an unusual or unexpected appearance) or in a visible form; a representative.
With a phantom, it's like something is there, but it's not. Meaning God is here, but many people don't know He's here because they don't know who He is! God is a Spirit! But to be seen, He manifests Himself or has “made” Himself visible in “man” (male and female)! God's ghost or God's phantom!
God is eternal; therefore He “made man” eternal! That's why He “made” him “after His likeness”! "After" means hereafter; also posterity. "Hereafter" is from this point forward and posterity deals with all of a person's descendants or all succeeding generations. If that is so with people, and it is, how much more with God? Future generations are a replication or duplication of the generation “before”. God made “man” (male and female) after His likeness to be a representative of excellence or perfection of Himself in flesh form in the earth. God will always be, and “man” (male and female) will always be!
In Genesis, Chapter one, “God” is creating and making! In Genesis, Chapter two, the "Lord
God” is doing the creating and making! Genesis 2:4: "These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens.” Then in verse 7, it states “The Lord God formed man (adam – people of a common sort or low degree) of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man (male and female) became a living soul.”
The “dust”, not the “dirt”. Dust means “as powdered” or “gray”. It's the color of death! Gray is gloomy, meaning dark or depressed in mind or spirit. Gray also means dismal, which is to be lacking in interest or merit. Man (adam – mankind; male and female) was in a state of ignorance, misery, destruction, and death, but the “Lord God” revived him, or them! The Lord God breathed the very blood of God into their nostrils or faces. It divinely inspired a holy presence that stimulated within the mind of man ideas and feelings which revived his soul and led to creative actions. Within his (male and female) intellect was given the ability not to just understand knowledge only but also to accept it; the knowledge of the unfolding of the “revelation” that they were the very “image” of God in the flesh!
This was the “light” or “luminaries” God saw in Genesis 1:4 that He said was good! He saw man (male and female) in His image and after His likeness in and on the earth as Himself, and He as man!
- Apostle Gracie Perry
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