First of all let's establish the fact or truth of the matter, that "the garden of Eden" was not a physical garden, but a spiritual garden.
Webster defines "garden" as a place for growing flowers, vegetables, or fruits. In the Hebrew, garden is (gan) a garden as fenced (a structure that functions as a barrier; to close in or surround); also the word (ganan) meaning to hedge about, ie protect or defend.
It is a place of protection, growth, development, increase, expansion, or coming to maturity.
Genesis 2:8 "And the LORD GOD planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed."
This is what he was doing with the "man" (adam - mankind inclusive of male and female) when he formed him from the dust of the ground. FORMED means the LORD GOD was squeezing and pressuring the "man" (adam - male and female) into the very image and likeness of God himself! He brought them out of the "dust" (a state of death, destruction, ignorance, sorrow, misery, wickedness), and breathed or kindled in their nostrils (faces) the divine inspiration (stimulation within the mind,thoughts, feelings, and impulses) which led to creative action and breathed or kindled in their intellect (the power of the mind to understand and accept knowledge)! He caused them to grow, develop, increase, expand, and come into a place of maturity in dominion, authority, power, wisdom, understanding, health, and eternal life in God!! The LORD GOD literally breathed the blood of God into them! Adam means to "show blood in the face"! In God's blood is life eternal and everything else we need!
Remember the "garden" was "planted" (FIXED - established, made stationary, stable, set definitely) eastward (eternal; everlasting) in Eden (a pleasant place; to live voluptuously; rejoicing). A place of POWER, DOMINION, AND AUTHORITY! Actually it is the same as "heaven" is to us. It's a lofty or high place; an elevated place; happiness; power; eternity! A place where all man needs spiritually and naturally is supplied to him by the ALMIGHTY GOD! It's at his (male and female) disposal now!! You do not have to die to be in this place; we are in it right here and right now, IN CHRIST JESUS! Ephesians 2:6 "And HATH raised us up together, and made us sit together IN HEAVENLY PLACES IN CHRIST JESUS"!!
God is doing the same thing to us, squeezing us into his image and after his likeness by the trials we go through to bring us from the "earth" (carnal) into the "heavenly" (elevated place) by the renewing of our mind!
SOME FOOD FOR THOUGHT!! The "garden of Eden" in Genesis Chapter two was not a beautiful flower garden where Adam and Eve ran around naked. Eve didn't come on the scene until Chapter three. Chapter two mentions "man" (adam - mankind--male and female). If the "garden of Eden" was a physical garden where Adam and Eve lived as told us by religious teaching, how did the King of Tyrus in Ezekiel 28:12-19, get into the garden of Eden? Also in Ezekiel 31:1-18, Pharoah, King of Egypt is in the "garden of God." The trees that are being referred to are other people that are in the "garden of God" as well. In verse 18, they are referred to as "trees of Eden". There were other people there - male and female!! They were people walking in a place of rulership, authority, and power!!
I'll expound more on "the garden of God" another time.
Be blessed of the LORD!!
-- Pastor Gracie Perry
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