Monday, June 27, 2011

God Don't Make No Junk!

Recently our church organized a yard sale to help fund a mission trip to Louisiana.

During the weeks leading up to the yard sale, I was reading a Joyce Meyer's devotional message titled “God Uses What Others Throw Away.” I thought of all the donated items – stuff that folks had found useless and ready to discard – and how yard sales miraculously change a person's junk to another buyer's treasure!

And that's how God operates in us.

God created treasures” when He made every single one of us, and He created each of us as “designer originals” as stated by TD Jakes in his book, Woman, Thou Art Loosed Devotional. There has never been and never will be another person made just like you because God designed you uniquely for His purpose. Each one of us is valuable to Him and to the body of Christ.

However we don't always see others or treat others as Gods' treasures”. How many times have we “looked down” at a co-worker or stranger on the street because they did not look like us or talk like us? Remember the saying “God don't make no junk”? It's true. He has made each of us for His purpose. This scripture explains the types of people whom God uses:

1 Corinthians 1:26-29 states “But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise. He chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. And he chose what the world thinks is not important. He chose what the world hates and thinks is nothing. He chose these to destroy what the world thinks is important. God did this so that no man can brag before him.”

In this scripture, Paul is telling the people of Corinth that they have received a “calling” or an invitation from God. THEY have received it – not others who are well-to-do, strong, good-looking, resourceful or have good connections with the right people. He chose those who appeared “foolish” (absurd, dull, thoughtless) and those who appeared “weak” (feeble, impotent, sick) to shame those who were considered “wise” and “mighty” in man's eyes.

In much the same way that buyers found treasures from others' discards, God CHOOSES His sons and daughters to bring His truth into the conformity and rigidity of the religious system. He has chosen the “least of these” to become great in His eyes by becoming “sons of God” and sharing the truth - the revelation of the scriptures with those who surround us.

- Mike and Rachel West

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