Greetings people of God, in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ!
When we look at the earth, it is the third planet from the sun and the planet on which there is life. It is also ground, soil, or dirt. In the Hebrew and Greek, earth is defined as ground, land, nations, country, a region including the occupants. We all know that there is a physical or natural earth we live in and walk around on. But your body is also referred to as earth. Genesis 1:24 God said, "Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, . . and it was so." This living creature was man. (Ezekiel 1:5) "Out of the midst thereof came the likeness of four iving creatures. And this was their appearance; they had the likeness of a man. They had the hands of a man and as for the likeness of their faces, they four had the face of a man, a lion, an ox, and an eagle (vss 5-10).
These are all in reference to the four areas out of which man functions - heart(face as a man); soul(emotions or lion), mind (eagle), and strength or body(ox). These are the areas Jesus said in Mark 12:30 that we are to love God with. When the earth brought forth, it brought forth the black man (male & female); the white man (male & female); the Asian [male & female]. This covers the three kinds of dirt we know of: black, white, and red. When God said "Let the earth bring forth the living creature," it brought forth these different races of people in male and female form.
All the different races of people we see did not come from one man and one woman called Adam and Eve. If Adam and Eve were white, how did the blacks and Asians get here? If they were black, how did the whites and Asians get here? Or if they were Asian, how did the blacks and whites get here? It was humanly impossible for two blacks to produce a caucasian child and visa versa for the whites and asians. Every seed reproduces after its own kind. Adam was a group of people - not just "one man" - which consisted of male and female. (Genesis 5:1-2)
This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him; male and female created he THEM; and blessed them, and called THEIR name ADAM, in the day when THEY were created. Adam was a people out of a people that God made in his image and after his likeness and gave them (male and female) his divine authority and power!! When the scripture speaks of earth, many times it is in reference to people, and the state or condition they are in. (1Corinthians 15:47) The first man is of the earth, earthy. This is from the greek word choikos, meaning he was of the dirt, dust, rubbish, a chasm or prison, or vacancy; to gape or yawn which is in reference to "sleep" [a natural state of rest]. Spiritually it is a state of UNAWARENESS, blindness, ignorance to the things of God.
That's why in Genesis 1:2 the earth "was without form and void [empty] and darkness [misery, destruction, death, sorrow, ignorance, wickedness] was upon the FACE of the deep (an abyss, a place or state of chaos!). All this was going on in people who were without the mind, the knowledge, or the very life of God! We are nothing without God! It is in Him we live, move and have our being! This is why the Lord God had to form man from the dust (the state of chaos he was in; ignorance, wickedness, death misery) and breathe into man the breath of life in order for him to become a living soul! (Genesis 2:7). The Lord God breathed the very mind, the blood, the life of God into them (male and female! I'll share more later. Keep your focus on God!
- Pastor Gracie Perry
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