Recently I was in the dentist’s chair having my teeth cleaned by the dental hygienist. As I lay there, I began to read the “sayings” tacked to her ceiling, such as “brush at least 2 times a day” or “see your dentist 2 times per year”. My thoughts focused on this 2nd phrase, and I wondered what it must be like to clean the teeth of someone who only comes 1 time per year. So when I had the chance to talk, I commented that she must have a difficult time trying to clean someone’s teeth if they only see the dentist 1 time per year. The hygienist surprised me when she said that it really depended on their “home care”, or how well they take care of their teeth at home. She has some patients who come every 3 months, but the condition of their teeth requires her to spend more time scraping and cleaning than someone who comes 2 times per year. Again she stated that it depended on their “home care”.
God kept the words “home care” embedded in my mind. When it comes to our teeth, “home care” means to brush at least 2 times per day and floss 1 time per day. Per day means every day, and I’ll admit that I had not been very persistent in flossing every day. But if we spend just a few minutes carrying out these tasks, our teeth & gums will be healthy, clean, and will last longer, which means no “false teeth”!
Likewise our minds need daily “home care” in the Word. Romans 12:2 states “Be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind”. The word “renew” means regenerate, to make new spiritually, to restore to existence, or the adjustment of the moral and spiritual vision and thinking to the mind of God. When we spend time in God’s Word every day, we will come to understand the meaning of the truth of the scriptures and who we are in Christ as well as who He is in us. We will be able to “adjust” our minds to the “mind of God”, and they will be “healthy, clean, and will last longer”.
It is fascinating to read scripture, look up the Hebrew and Greek meanings in a good concordance and Bible dictionary, and begin to unveil the truth of these words written and inspired by God so long ago. God will challenge us in this endeavor, and Satan will distract us from this endeavor, but we must press on with good, consistent “home care”. You know, they say that a habit can be formed by practicing a skill for 21 or 28 days. This is how I changed my bad habit of not flossing to a good habit of regular flossing. I had to step up my “home care” on a daily basis, and it has now become a healthy habit. What is your “home care” like when it comes to “renewing your mind" to the mind of God? Are you ready to step it up?
- Rachel West
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