I’m reading from the King James version of the Life in the Spirit Study Bible. We’ll be coming from the second book of the Bible in Exodus 4:2 and Exodus 14:16. Exodus has 40 chapters, 1,213 verses, 32,692 words, 1089 verses of history, 129 verses of fulfilled prophecy, 2 verses of unfulfilled prophecy, 58 questions, 73 separate messages from God, 827 commands, 240 predictions, 28 promises and 35 of 42 miracles by Moses.
means exit or departure; going out; decease. That’s just what the
children of Israel did when they left Egypt. Their leaving Egypt is referring
to their deliverance from bondage. Even
for us, it is deliverance from religious and spiritual darkness and ignorance
that has been placed upon us through philosophy, vain deceit, traditions of men
and the rudiments of this world. (Colossians 2:8)