I said earlier, that at Greater Works we are preaching and teaching the "unadulterated" Word of God because most of what we have heard for years has been "adulterate"! Adulterate is the Latin word "adultero" which is the English words alter or mix. When something is altered, it is changed or made to become different, modified, castrated or to spay. The traditions of men and lies that are being taught have incapacitated the church from being productive because she (the church) is seeking an outside source for all her needs when everything she needs is contained on the "inside" of her! Glory to God!!
That which is "unadulterate" will reverse and remove the debased materials that have been injected into the teaching of God's Word, open the spiritual eye of the people of God, and release them into a realm of divine infinity!
It is the TRUTH that will "make" us free!! But we must study (make effort, endeavor, labor diligently) to show ourselves approved unto GOD, a workman that needs not to be ashamed "rightly dividing" (making a straight cut, dissecting and expounding) correctly the divine message of the Kingdom of God!
Once you know the truth of God's Word, you can apply it to your life immediately, and you will start to see and experience God's blessings!
- Pastor Gracie Perry